Ch 33- A Day Out-I

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Tapping his feet, checking his watch growing impatient with every passing second Karan gave Aman an irritated look, tired of watching him get ready who was stood in front of mirror styling his hair.

"We aren't going for a beauty competition, you understand?"

"We aren't getting late, you understand?", Came the response from Aman silencing Karan who looked elsewhere shaking his head before getting up pushing Aman aside standing in front of mirror checking himself out saying

"I haven't properly groomed up too"

"Doesn't seem like", Aman looked at Karan top to bottom, begining from his hair which was neatly combed to the side, to his white sneakers which were clean as new, matching with his dark blue jeans and white crew neck t-shirt over which he wore a black full sleeved shirt, left unbuttoned to sway in breeze.

"What are you gonna wear though?", Asked Karan wondering to Aman who smirked walking close to his closet.

"Don't tell me you are gonna wear that stupid thing in your hand", Karan raised his eyebrows looking at Aman picking a hoodie out. Walking up to him, pushing him aside deciding to pick a dress for him himself, Karan was surprised to see his closet full with hoodies and jackets of different colors ofcourse.

"What the hell is this?"

"Did you like my collection?"

"You call this a collection?"

"Yeah, just see how many varieties have I got!!"

"Varieties? There's nothing else other than hoodies here"

"You can't see what I can", Aman said handpicking a hoodie running his hand over it which was pulled away from his hands hastily by Karan who threw it inside his closet saying

"Just shut up!! Wear anything but not hoodie please", Karan spoke frustrated, his voice commanding hearing which Aman gave him an annoyed look raising his eyebrows at him but then watching Karan's eyebrows scrunch as he gave him a pleading look he thought for a while before turning back searching something in his closet.

A victory smile played on Karan's face which disappeared in a flash watching Aman pick out a black hoodie t-shirt.

"This is different, and I'm wearing this"

Karan shook his head releasing a tired sigh, gesturing him from his hands to go ahead. He knew saying anything to him now would result in something even worst than this, at least this was better than his other heavy jackets, zip hoodies.

"How do I look?"

Asked Aman smirking, Karan lifted his head up checking him top to bottom. As he didn't reply anything, Aman asked again

"Looking handsome right?"

Karan said nothing but stepped near Aman and removing his hood off his head he stepped back saying

"Now you do"

Karan commented with a satisfaction on his face looking at Aman who was dressed in a slim fit short sleeved black cotton t-shirt and skinny shining blue jeans with a belt more for the show than for the use.

"Shall we leave now?"

"Noo, I need to redo my hair"

"Not again", Karan groaned falling flat on the bed irritated throwing his hands and legs all around just like the 5 year old kid who was denied off his favourite candy, making Aman laugh at his behaviour. Shaking his head Aman lied down himself beside him looking at his friend's frowning self saying

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