Ch 41- Red Hulk

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A smile speaks more than one's words ever does, expresses more than one's heart ever wants and explains just more than one's mind ever imagines.

Every shade of a smile has its own definings, its own meaning, which makes it unique from all others.

Some hold the treasure of the joys and happiness, so some bear the unbearable sorrows and pain behind it.

Some smiles click your heart, so some cling your heart.

Some fill your eyes with the tears, so some fill your heart with fears.

All, Just by a Smile. A smile so naive, a smile so brave.

And, lucky are the ones who have someone who knows every shade of their smile, by heart. Someone to whom you don't have to brief the entire story, but just a glance of your face is enough for them to understand every bit of your feelings.

Such bonds are very special, Such friends are very special. And one such special friend in Karan's life was Aman.

"Oh hoooo... What's the matteeeerrrr huhhh?"

"Matter? What matter? There's nothing such, which can excite you!", Spoke Karan averting his gaze elsewhere, spinning his eyes all around he eyed back towards the route ahead not wanting to meet Aman's scrutinizing eyes.

"Aaahhaan? Then what's the reason hidden behind this blissful charming smile of yours!?", Aman smirked at Karan nearing his cycle with his own causing a sudden flick in his behaviour as he hid his smile turning on an all naive look answering

"I smile all the time!!"

Focusing back on the street light lit dark road Karan started to cycle a little faster, only to avoid Aman whose smirk grew wider as he followed him behind, soon overtaking him. Turning his head back slightly peeking at Karan he spoke again

"But today's something special about it! Or to be specific someone special behind it", An over charming smile breaking in on Karan's face as the words left from Aman's mouth, which he managed to keep in check answering

"Shut up, I'm just happy by the fact that she forgave me and that's it!", Karan's eyes fluttered at the end as if he was hiding something bringing in a teasing shine on Aman's face as he enquired back

"Oh, Is it just because of that or something else's there too! Why do I feel there's something more to what you are just saying?"

Karan's lips parted but went numb no moment as his mind replayed the entire scene again in front of his eyes, stupefying him completely at the recollection of the sight of Aditi lying on his arms with their faces inches apart.

Her one hand resting on his heart and the other gripped smoothly with his very own. The naive look of her arresting face, the beatific smile and the most beautiful pair of oceanic blue eyes lost in finding something in his eyes; were replaying itself oll over again for him to relive, and he couldn't help but smile wistfully releasing a sigh.

Closing his eyes for a second gaining back his consciousness, letting go of the bewitching thoughts, Karan shook his head lightly opening his eyes back only to get flinched by Aman who had the wildest of smiles playing as he gave him the teasing look which made Karan roll his eyes and bite his tongue as he heard him speak again

"There's definitely something more!!"

"There's nothing more! Stop watching those romantic movies already!!", Said Karan starting to cycle as fast as he could, leaving a weirded out Aman behind who yelled aloud irritated before pacing his cycle's speed up to match Karan's,

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