chapter 4

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--harry's point of view--

I look around the bar to see Sally Jaynes sitting at the bar, staring straight into my eyes. I am completely shocked to see her this soon and haven't prepared enough for when I thought I would have seen her tomorrow. By now, we have probably been staring at each other for a minute, neither of us sure what to do. I decide to walk over to where she is and sit down on a stool next to her. For a few seconds, neither of us speak and I think about what to say. My mind has gone completely blank and I really don't have an idea of what to say to her.

"Sal-" I begin but I stop as she turns around to look at me but has tears obviously developing in her eyes.

"Why did you leave me like that?" is all she says. I can see that I have hurt her and I immediately feels my stomach go as I feel guiltiness overcome me.

"I'm sorry, I thought it was going to be easier over the phone. I wasn't going to have to see you hurt in person." I know it isn't a good excuse, but it is really how I feel. "I loved you so much that I couldn't bear the thought of seeing your face when I broke up with you because I was moving to London."

"Loved me so much?!" she says, her voice suddenly raised. "How can you do that to someone you loved so much? I was in bits after you left, I haven't been able to tell anyone about you since then because I can't cope with actually thinking about you."

A message appears on her phone and she grabs it quickly to read it. She gets up unannounced and starts to walk out, I grab her hand and she turns around trying to yank her hand away. Her face is red and tears are suddenly streaming down her face. Yet never has she looked more beautiful and I am now beginning to realise how much I miss her.

She gives in and continues, "Yet there hasn't been a day since then that I haven't thought about how much I've missed you and your gorgeous face and your laugh and your sense of humour."

"I know and I feel the exact same way. I want you to know that I regretted breaking up with you instantly but by the time I had picked up the courage to reach out to you, you were working in New York and I was unable to reach you."

I wipe some of the tears away from her eyes, and she looks directly into my eyes. I move the hair away from her face and tuck it behind her ears. She looks away, shaking her head and walks toward the lift. I can't just let her go like that so I walk on after her keeping the doors open as they start toshut.

"Harry-" she starts, but I cut her off before she can say anything.

"Sal I'm sorry, I really am."

"I was actually going to ask if things were going okay in London."

"Oh, yeh they're great. I now have a YouTube channel and a YouTube group with a small group of guys I met some years ago. We're now somewhat popular Sal, who would have guessed haha?" I reply I was happy she asked to be honest.

"That's great, I'm really happy for you Harry," she states although she doesn't sound too happy. She actually sounds kind of disappointed that I am doing so well without her.

The lift stops at her floor and she starts to walk on again leaving me with a simple parting nod but I refuse. I grab her hand, pulling her close to me. At first, she seems resistant but soon enough our eyes are locked once again.

Eventually, our lips crash together and we melt into each other's arms. I press the button to close the door behind her back.

She moves her mouth away and gasps for breath.

"Is this a good idea? Especially after this long?" she says, truly I don't think either of us know what we are doing.

"Fuck it," I state simply and we bring our lips to each other's once again. We make our way to my room, I unlock the door and Sally pulls me in.

a/n please vote and comment xoxo

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