chapter 16

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I sit in the chair outside the doctors office, the whole day I have been really chill about this appointment. Now, however, I'm feeling really fucking nervous. I actually wish I had accepted Simon's company as I watch couples moving around into different rooms. I feel ridiculously lonely.

"Sally Jaynes, please." My name is called from a doctor who is just across the other side of the room.

I get up and follow her towards a room. She directs me to lay down on a chair as she sits down at her desk.

After discussing everything about my pregnancy so far she does the ultrasound. You really do underestimate how cold the gel they put on your stomach is. She smooths it around and puts the device on my stomach.

The picture comes up on the screen and she shows me where the baby was. I lose control of all my emotions. My eyes are watering, the tears streaming down my cheeks.

The worst part. I have no one with me to share my emotions with.

I finish off my appointment and an extreme hunger hit me. I decide I fancied some spicy chips and go to the Nando's 20 minutes down the road in an Uber. I walk in and ask for some takeaway chips, I get my purse out of my bag and slot the card into the machine. I feel a tap on my shoulder so I turn around.

"Hey, you dropped your..." he says, he is eyeing me carefully. He has my ultrasound photo in his hand and I quickly grab it off of him.

"Thank you." I smile and try to move past him to sit down in the waiting chairs but he stands in the way.

"Hang on, Sally right? We met at a party?" He says, but I don't recognise him.

"What party?" I say, I honestly can't remember him at all.

"I believe it was yours actually, or Harry and Olivia's. We sat in the garden outside together."

"Oh! You're Will! I remember now! Sorry about that, I keep forgetting things at the moment!" I laugh.

"It's alright, don't worry! So um... who's the lucky guy?" He makes a gesture towards the picture in my hand.

"Fuck." How am I supposed to answer that?

"Sorry what?"

"Oh I didn't mean to say that. It's... It's umm... quite complicated."

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked." He says, his face goes red, he's embarrassed.

"No, it's fine sorry, I should probably let you get back to your friends." They had just sat down at a table across the room and I can see they are waiting for Will.

Thankfully my chips come sooner than I had expected and I make a quick exit from the restaurant.

I can't wait to eat my chips so I end up having them all before I get home. I enter the flat, shove the box in the recycling and go to the living room to crash on the sofa and watch Netflix.

Instead I find all the boys and Liv watching a film on the TV. All of them taking up the whole corner sofa and on the floor in front. They notice I'd walked in and all eyes are on me except one. Harry, who is cuddled up to Liv, is staring at the screen and is the only one to not say hello. This is until everybody else's eyes went back to the TV, he gives me a smile that I don't return.

I walk into the kitchen, grab a bottle of water out of the fridge and sit in one of the breakfast stools. Liv comes out and sits down next to me.

"Hey, how was your day?" She asks, she grabs a bottle of white wine out of the fridge and refills her glass. "Do you want a glass?"

"No thanks, and it was alright, average day I suppose. Yourself?"

"It was great! We all sat around watching films. But... we need to sort out the party so I was thinking we could do it now!"

"Yeh sure."


She runs into her room and grabs her laptop, then plonks herself down next to me.

4 hours later
After about 4 hours of planning, we have sorted everything. The venue is going to be on a rooftop garden that is near to us, all drinks will be payed for by guests. There is going to be a small buffet with lots of champagne and some karaoke afterwards. Thankfully, Liv's dad says he'll pay for all of it since he hasn't seen her in a while, as he lives in America.

The boys all decide to come through after they have watched two more films on the sofa. Liv explains the whole night, which is going to be saturday week, to the boys and Harry. He seems to agree to everything since Liv doesn't really give him an opportunity to disagree.

The boys say that each of them want to give a speech during the meal and I will give one as Liv's best friend.

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