chapter 25

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My alarm blares off, the sudden sound waking me up in an instant. I groan not wanting to get up yet as I was up late last night packing for New York.

"Sally! Get up, you lazy twat!" Tom shouts from outside my door.

"Tom, mind your language!" I hear my mother say as she walks past. I stifle a laugh through my exhaustion.

I get up going for a shower in the en-suite I have in my room. I take off my pyjamas and stare at my stomach which was certainly rounder now. I'm about four and a half months now and if you walked past me you would definitely be able to tell that I'm pregnant.

Once refreshed I put on some leggings and a baggy band t-shirt I had lying around in my drawers, making my way downstairs. I walk into the kitchen to see my parents, Harry's parents and Tom all staring at me.

"Good morning." I say trying to not look uncomfortable that they were all watching me.

"Hey, Sal. We came to see you and Tom off. I hope you don't mind." Mr Lewis says.

"Of course, no that's absolutely fine." I reply, smiling.

"So both of you have all you suitcases in the car?" Dad asks me and Tom, we nod. "And, Sally, you had all of your boxes shipped off from London a couple of weeks ago didn't you."

"Yes I did, Dad. Please stop stressing." I hug him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Sorry, it's not everyday that your baby girl who's with child moves off to New York with her brother." He says, his voice chokes with tears a bit.

"Graham, stop worrying." Mum pulls him away from me giving him a hug.

"Are you completely ready?" Tom asks behind me.

"Yep, as ready as I'll ever be." I reply, I'm tearing up a bit at Dad's unusual actions, he never cries.

I hug Harry's parents goodbye with both of them promising to keep in touch because of the baby. My parents get in the car and I follow after Tom getting in the back, waving the Lewis' as I get in.

Guernsey airport is quiet as usual and our plane to London is a few hours away so we all sit in a café. We talk about the last couple of weeks and how everything has gone so fast.

"I can't believe you're having a baby still." Dad says smiling at me.

"Well, not in these circumstances anyway." Mum adds.

I laugh, "Yeah, definitely not the route I thought I'd take."

"I guess we should be getting off now." Tom says, looking at the watch on his hand.

"Yes, I suppose you should." Mum says getting up swiftly.

They walk us up to security, as we've already checked all of our bags in. We group hug and I don't think one of us is not crying as we laugh at how pathetic we all are.

"Come over to New York. When the baby's here, please." I plead.

"Of course, sweetie. We were expecting to anyway, you don't have to ask." Mum laughs.

"Don't expect us to not talk to you though. We'll be calling, messaging, Facetiming and whatever else to keep in touch, okay?" Dad says.

"Okay." Tom and I reply.

"Alright lets go Miss Sally Jaynes." Tom says looking at me.

"Yes, let's, Mr Tom Jaynes." I smirk.

We say a chorus of goodbyes before me and Tom walk through security.

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