chapter 18

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The rooftop is absolutely buzzing, hoards of people have gathered to celebrate Liv and Harry's engagement. On arrival we get offered a glass of Buck's fizz and I accept it, not wanting to look too suspicious.

It's absolutely beautiful. The tables are set out gorgeously. Fairy lights are draped across pillars and decorative shrubs are dotted around the rooftop. There are candles lit on all the tables, wine glasses reflecting the flames.

Liv and I walk towards the bar where she spots the boys. She jumps into Harry's arms and I look away as she moves in for a kiss.

I jump as I hear a voice behind me.

"Hey! You alright? Thought I'd see you tonight!" I turn around to see the brunette I'd encountered a couple of times before.

"Oh Will, hi! How are you?" I smile at him, grateful for the distraction from the happy couple behind me.

"I'm all good, thank you! What do think of this whole rooftop. Gorgeous, isn't it?"

I nod, "Absolutely perfect."

I look around and can see there are people on the dance floor in the corner already to the music that is filling the entire rooftop. I can see Will spots it as well.

"Dance with me," he says, "I know you want to..." I can't resist his cheeky grin and he takes my hand, leading me towards the dance floor.

I look behind to see Harry watching as Liv talks to Josh and Tobi. He whispers in her ear and takes her hand, walking in the same direction as us. I roll my eyes and turn around, focusing on Will.

I shove my full glass of Buck's fizz on the nearest table and join Will dancing. I don't take him to be a dancer and I laugh at his awful moves. We get there at the end of a song and of course the DJ feels the rooftop needs to hear a cliché slow song. Will takes my hands in his and wraps them around his neck, his arms then snaking around my waist. I'm quite enjoying his company and lean my head into his shoulder.

I notice Harry and Liv dancing as well in the corner of my eye, smiling and laughing at each other. He looks away from her and makes eye contact with me. His face changes and he looks angry as he notices how Will and I are dancing with.

I look up at Will who is humming along to the song on. I look back at Liv and Harry as she goes in for a kiss.

At the same time, Will looks down at me and moves in for a kiss. It's delicate and I completely give into him and into the kiss. Our tongues are colliding and it's easy, our lips melting together. I open my eyes and make dead on eye contact with Harry who is scowling at me. God I'm making him jealous. I pull away and smile at Will who returns the smile before his eyes widen and he jumps back.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask, panicking because I'm slightly embarrassed. Am I that repulsive? A bad kisser?

"I totally forgot! I got lost in the moment! You're pre-." I throw my hand over his mouth and pull him away from the group of people on the dance floor including Liv and Harry.

"Shh! Please! No-one knows. I didn't mean for you to find out. And I totally forgot then as well, we were in a moment." I place my hands over my face and lean on the edge of the rooftop, looking over London.

"I agree. But, are you involved with someone because you're obviously pregnant and not showing at all so it must be early on..."

"No, I'm not seeing anyone. God, it's too complicated and I can't say anything. I really enjoyed that kiss though." I try to slightly change the subject.

"Yeh, well, you are looking at the hottest Northener around." He winks at me and nudges my arm. I laugh, he was just naturally funny.

The DJ announce that people can go up for their buffet meals so Will and I walk over to the bar and select our food. We sit down at a random table and chat for about 10 minutes before Simon comes over and asks if I can move to a different table with them so it's easier for the speech. I kiss Will on the cheek and walk over with Simon.

"What are you doing, Sally?" Simon asks quietly once we've sat down.

"What do you mean?" I ask him back.

"You and Will. That was quite a kiss on the dance floor. And... It was right in front of Liv and Harry."

I don't say anything. I don't know what to say.

"Oh, but you knew that didn't you. Sally don't use Will to get back at Harry." he sighs, "Will's a really good guy, and don't forget about the baby."

"Simon, he knows. I dropped my ultrasound picture in front of him at Nando's while trying to pay for a meal."

"Oh." Is all he says before JJ stands up and starts his speech while welcoming everybody for coming.

The speeches are going well but I zone out to half of the things the guys are saying and I watch Harry's facial expressions. How his face lights up as his friends recall memories, I try to ignore the occasional look between him and Liv but it is just so hard when they look so... in love. I look up at Josh who is currently finishing up his speech and listen to the last part.

"Harry, Liv is an outstanding girl, and we're all so happy that you have somehow managed to get a girl so great considering the endless numbers of Tinder dates gone wrong..."

He had the girl, but he fucked it up

"And we can all agree that Harry will be a great father one day as will Liv be a fab mother. Am I right, ladies and gentleman?"

The mention of children sets me off and I now notice I am crying. I can see Simon looking at me. I have to get out of here. I don't know where to go. Shaking. Sobbing. Tears are flowing like a stream.

I get up unnanounced, startling everyone at my table and Josh even stops speaking. I look around at everyone who is watching me with curiosity as to what the hell I am doing. I have now realised I knocked over a glass of water due to my quick jump out of the chair. I panic and try to pick up the glass before dropping it on the floor because of my shaky hands.

I stand there. Looking around at all the guests who are witnessing the scene I've just created. Liv, Harry and Simon have now stood up at my table, Simon's trying to sort out my mess and Liv and Harry are eyeing me carefully as the tears are flowing. Harry's tearing up to, I can see the gleam in his eyes. I grab my bag and try to escape the embarrassment. Before Will catches my arm on the way past.

After staring at my face for a few seconds I think he suddenly realises why I can't tell him how I'm so complicated, and nods his head and sits back down as if clarifying it by himself. I take a look back at the table and walk out of the rooftop doors. Not looking back at the mayhem I have just started.

unfortunate timing | wroetoshaw fanficWhere stories live. Discover now