chapter 20

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I fix my makeup in the cab and decide I still want to talk to Chris. I phone him and ask if I can see him. He is at home alone so luckily I didn't go to the office.

I change the address with my Uber and go straight to his house in Islington. He tells me that his house is visible by the mustard yellow door on a certain street and is easy to find.

I get out of the cab and walk along the endless line of nice houses. I find his house with the yellow door and use the knocker to signal my arrival.

He opens the door, takes one look at me and opens his arms for a hug.

"I don't want to be mean Sally but you look like a mess." he whispers into my ear.

"Why thank you dear Chris, how lovely to see you too." I say sarcastically.

"So what brings me your joyous company tonight?" He asks as I follow him into his lounge.

"Just needed a friend. I fell out with everyone tonight."

We sit in front of the fire, he opens a bottle of red wine before realising I can't drink it.

"I'm so sorry. I've never been drinking around a pregnant person before."

"It's alright, obviously I would love to join you." I say inspecting the red wine bottle.

I ask if he has a spare toothbrush I can use because I'm conscious of the fact I threw up and my breath may not smell the nicest. He laughs and says he has some in the cupboard in the bathroom.

After freshening up I sit back down on the floor on the rug in front of the fireplace. We talk for about an hour about the events of tonight and I manage to not cry again.

"Why don't you take over the office in New York permanently?" he asks.

"That's a big job. Moving as well as being in a new country." I say feeling sceptical, "I mean I'm having a baby. I can't really move to New York right as I'm having it."

"That's fair enough, I don't know what to suggest. But, Olivia is making you move out obviously."

"Or she could move out, I lived there first." I state.

"Oh! It's technically your flat, you should stay then. Make her move out of London."

"She's got Harry though, and he won't move with his whole career being here with his boys."  I'm heartbroken about saying she has Harry as if I still feel like I have him, "I just don't understand where I fucked up so badly to deserve all of this."

"You don't deserve this, you know you don't and I know you don't. Let's distract you. What do you want to do? Watch a film? TV show? Go for a walk?"

"No... I should probably go home. I need to get some sleep."

He nodded his head.

"Why don't you sleep here? It's really late and that means you don't have to get a cab all the way to your flat and I'll drive you back in the morning."

"Thank you, that would be lovely."

He puts me in the spare room and gets me a large t shirt that I can sleep in. After saying goodnight, I get straight into bed and fall asleep.

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