chapter 12

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The room is already a mess, beer bottles everywhere, crisp bowls empty and lying on tables or any surfaces that had been bare previously.

There are people making out in different corners of the room, and I can see JJ is currently sinking back the shots with Vik and Ethan in the kitchen. I laugh quietly seeing that JJ had finally gotten his way after Will didn't want to do shots.

I'm not familiar with that many people here and end up standing around in the middle of swarms of people partying. Liv and Simon are the only people I am familiar with and have a quick look round for them.

I walk upstairs to see if Simon is in his room on his computer to hear voices shouting from his bedroom.

"Can't you fucking see she's not coping well with this you selfish dickhead?" I am sure that is Simon.

"Simon can you not fucking blame me for this. I didn't know! How would I known that they were friends?" That's definitely Harry's voice. Shit. They're arguing about me, but I don't want to listen so I walk back downstairs.

I find Liv talking Freya and I join in the conversation to get my mind off of the argument I'd heard upstairs.

— harry's point of view —

"Fuck's sake Simon!" I shout and storm out of the room. My head is throbbing after all the shouting plus it's all mixed with the amount of alcohol I have already had to drown my sorrows.

"Harry we need to talk about this!" I hear Simon following behind me, he is obviously trashed by now as well.

"No leave it now. Let's go back downstairs. Please?" I beg, I want this all to be over. I'm going to tell Liv tonight about it all.

Simon sighs, pushes past me and starts walking downstairs. Pissed off, I follow after him.

Liv finds me at the bottom of the stairs and snakes her arms around my waist and brings me to the dance floor where she dances around me. I look around to see other people dancing but see Sally on the opposite side of the room leaning against the wall, looking straight at me. I leave Liv and push my way past people making my way straight to her.

The music stops.

I turn around to where all the speakers are set up to see Simon there holding a microphone, starting to make an announcement. My mouth falls wide open as I realise what he is going to say, the fucking arsehole.

"Right ladies and gentlemen, thanks for coming to our party tonight! It was mainly a welcome home party for our good friend Sally at the back there and... we've got some great fucking big news! Isn't that right Harry and Liv?" He says smiling, obviously proud of himself. He is staring straight at me with daggers as eyes and if looks could kill I would been on the floor by now.

Everybody is now looking around at us, expecting us to reveal the news. The news I don't even want to be true and I'm fully regretting. I open my mouth to say something but Simon carries on for me.

"They're engaged everyone! The first sidemen engagement how bout that?!" He shouts, everyone suddenly crowding around me and Liv saying congrats.

I look worriedly over at Sally again seeing tears in her eyes before she quickly leaves the room. I put a fake smile on and thank everybody giving their congratulations for us.

— sally's point of view —

I can't deal with it. I leave the room quickly after seeing the look Harry had given me. It was an apologetic look with a mix of disappointment. That really pisses me off, what's done is done and he can't go anywhere now without hurting Liv and I can't think of anything worse. But there is no way I can tell her now, it's just all too real. Everyone knows about their engagement now and none of them
know about me and Harry.

Their relationship seems more important now, it's like I've wasted that whole time with Harry. Wasted the hours I'd talked to him on the phone, the hours I'd gone on bike rides around Guernsey with him, the hours we'd all get together as families and I'd laugh endlessly with his parents and Josh and Rosie. The times Dad looked at Harry as if he was the son he'd never had and the times Mum had cooked with Harry because me and my dad couldn't be bothered to get up off of the sofa. How well my older brother got on with Harry as if they were best mates.

The tears are now flooding out of my eyes and I am in a room I don't recognise. I pull out my phone to see texts and voicemails from Simon apologising to me about what he's just done.

I can't be asked and just shut my phone off. The music starts booming through the house again and the loud bass is making the walls vibrate. I can hear JJ on a mic rapping along to the music with other people joining in.

My face is still damp from the tears and I just sit unsure what to do. I need to leave but I don't know how, I have no idea where I am and I need my suitcase from upstairs.

The door open and in comes a couple making out. I get up off of the floor quickly and evacuate the room before they even notice me. I make my way through different rooms in the house, I manage to get to where the main hall is and run up the stairs to grab my suitcase hoping I'm not noticed by anyone.

Once I'm in Simon's room I throw anything that is mine in the suitcase messily. I sit on the suitcase to keep it shut while zipping it up as it is unorganised and being extremely difficult with me. After it manages to close I grab it with my handbag and carry them downstairs.

I make my way directly towards the door and open it. Soon enough I'm outside and thankfully no one has seen me. Unsure of what to do I walk around the corner and sit down on a bench by the side of the road. It's now eleven pm, there are still a surprising amount of cars driving past and a lot of people walking down the paths.

I sit there, people watching. On the other side of the road there are a group of girls who are absolutely trashed who look like they are finishing off their hen do night. The odd lots of people, also totally off their faces, follow and lots of people that are late are heading towards the boys' house.

A free cab heads in my direction so I grab my bags and try to hail it. Thankfully, it pulls over and I look down to the driver, I tell him where I want to go and put my bags in the boot of the car.

I open the door, get in and am about to close the door until I hear my name being called. I look out the window to see a drunk Simon rushing towards the car, not being able to walk in a straight line. I slam the door, sit down in the seat and ask the driver to go on.

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