chapter 13

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I sit in the taxi crying. Crying my absolute fucking eyes out. I'm feeling humiliated and tired from all the emotions that are pouring out of me but don't think I'll be getting any sleep at this point. I ask the driver if he can instead drive to my office and he types the address into his phone on the dashboard.

I think I might as well get some work done to distract me and I won't be at home if Liv and Harry decide to stay at ours. Fuck. This has happened within a month. A fucking month.

The car comes to a halt and I look out of the window to see the office building. I give him some money and get out of the car with all of my belongings. I get my keys out and unlock the door and make my way to the lift.

As it reaches towards the top of the building it stops and the doors open, however the lights are already on. I take my stuff and make my way out looking around for anyone in the building. I peer in Chris' office to see him looking out the window in a heated conversation on the phone. He ends the call and throws his phone across the room almost hitting me in the doorway.

He notices I am there and sits down in his chair eyeing me. After a brief silence he is the first to say anything.

"Why are you here, it's really late."

"I could ask you the same thing.", I say sitting in the chair in front of his desk.

"Didn't want to go home.", he says looking at his feet, and after a while he comes out with. "my wife slept with my brother."

I feel my eyes go wide, "Jesus christ! Your brother and your wife?  That's fucking messed up, I'm so sorry."

He raises his eyebrows and nods, "Yep, it is. Why are you so dressed up?" He says changing the subject.

"I didn't think I was, I had a welcome home party thrown for me. I wasn't feeling it anymore though, I left."

"Is that why you've been crying?", he gets up and goes round to the front of his desk and leans on it. "Are you okay?"

"Why are you being nice to me?", I ask puzzled, not even answering his question. He's being genuine and not abrupt and rude as he usually is.

He looks away and doesn't say anything.

I ask again, "Why are you being nice to me?" Putting more emphasis on the 'why'.

He doesn't reply.

"Chris!" I shout, irritated.

"Because I'm always a fucking arsehole and you're crying!" He shouts back at me.

I sit still staring at his face, I have no idea how to reply to that. He looks back at me and his eyes are sad, tired. I get up to leave, I don't want to argue with him.

However I stumble after I give myself headrush from getting up too quickly. Chris catches me, and I find myself in his arms. Within this moment I have no idea what is going through my head, I feel desperate, needed by someone. Harry has hurt me, Liv has hurt me even though she has had no intention to and I'm lonely. And Chris is somehow there, his face an inch away from mine. Until this point I haven't seen noticed how good looking he is, his jawline, his cheekbones, his stubbled jaw. His eyes.

Our eyes are locked, I can feel his breath on my face as we are so close. I kiss him, forcefully, he hesitates before loosening himself into the kiss. I am making out with my fucking boss, and my mind is telling me not to yet there I am with my tongue stuck down his throat.

Sally stop.

It is rough and suddenly I am up against the now shut door. I undo his tie and throw it across the room and in return he starts to unzip my dress, it falling to the floor. I fumble at the buttons on his shirt before he helps me out and rips it off.

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