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We're back at the hotel, and I'm just chilling out by the pool with Ash and Alex. I haven't opened Lucy's message because I don't want to be let down after my previous risky confident text I sent her. Although what I have checked is that I'm now being followed by a couple of the lionesses. I'm assuming closest friends of Lucy's.

"Just open it Holland!" Alex tells me as she splashes me with water.

"Not ready for rejection!" I tell her back and I grab a beach ball that was next to me and I throw it at her. I see Tobin approach us and she moves the pool chair next to me closer to mine. She sits down and she pulls her shades down to the tip of her nose

"Soo Lucy?" She tells me smirking. I'm definitely going to be teased.

"Don't even start" I tell her chuckling. I see a ball heading towards me from the corner of my eye and I catch it before it hits my face.

"Really?" I say turning to look at Alex. She shrugs

"Just checking" she tells me laughing. I playfully shake my head at her.

"Have you texted her?" Tobin asks me curiously as she opens a magazine.

"Yeah actually, I sent her a risky text. I haven't opened it though. To nervous" I tell  her. She shifts in her chair and flips to her next page in the magazine

"Dude she'd be dumb to reject you, just check." She tells me finally looking at me. I nod and look at my phone. Get you girl friends that make you feel good about yourself. I pull up on to my DMs. I tap on her message

Lucy: I'm glad I can bring out that beautiful smile😊

Oh fuck.

"Bro such a flirt fest!" Tobin yells out peering over and looking at Lucy's message. I playfully push her away.

"Finally! What did she say!?" Ash yells from the other side of the pool. Thanks to Ashlyn's story, I've fiddled my way into a flirty conversation with Lucy. Ash and Alex make their way out of the pool to come see. Wait hold up she's typing.

Lucy: look up to your right

I'm confused but I look up and I see Lucy on a balcony waving at me. The girls look up to see Lucy.

"Right I forgot to tell you, we're sharing the same hotel with the England team." Tobin tells us chuckling. I look at her seriously

"You didn't think to tell me before I ended up embarrassing myself?" I ask Tobin as I playfully hit her arm.

"It slipped my mind!" She says laughing and rubbing her arm where I hit her. I playfully scold her. I look back up to see where Lucy's balcony is. She's no longer there. I look back down to my phone, to send her a message back.

Me: Where did you go?

I sent her the text. A few mins later, still nothing.  I sit back down to my chair.

"Dude what if she's making her way down here?" Tobin tells me enthusiastically. While I start to get nervous. Crap my faces getting warm

"She's blushing!" Ash says out loud and as soon as she said that, Lucy makes her way over. I'm frozen on sight.

"Hi" she tells us, mostly to me since she's looking at me with her smile, showing her white pearls.

"We're going to leave you two to uh.. ha mingle" Alex says smirking as she ushers Ashlyn and Tobin with her.

"Nah dude I'm enjoying this" Tobin replies smiling cheekily. Alex pulls her with her anyway. I turn back to look at Lucy, still smiling. I'm just speechless.

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