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Vzzzzzzzt! Vzzzzzzzt!

I grab my phone that was vibrating from the locker. I check the caller ID. It's Lucy again, I don't know why she picked right now to be calling me. She should know I hate being disturbed right before a game. I answer for the first time.

"Holland, I did not purpose I swear! I don't even know where she got that ring"

"Lucy right now isn't a good time" I tell her as I pinch the bridge of my nose, eyes closed as I hear her breathe frantically

"Please Holland, hear me out" she pleads

"You got 2 min-" my phone was snatched from me as I was trying to talk to Lucy.

"You got some nerve Lucy" Alex yells into my phone, catching everyones attention. The locker room so quiet you could hear a pen drop. I feel arms wrap around my mid waist. Recognizing the person's touch, I relaxed in their arms.

Alex's face softens and appears to listen intently. She passes me the phone. I grab it, and I put it on my ear.

"H-hello" I stutter out.

"I care about you so much, I wouldn't do that to you or anyone. I'm not with Keira, I'm actually 100% single because I'm just trying to work my feelings out. I want you but I love her, so I'm just figuring things out. I promise." She tells me calmly, my heart is at ease knowing she's single and no one's dealing with her confused self right now.. well other then me and Keira. I want to hate her but my hearts to innocent and I couldn't do that.

"We're okay Lucy, take your time. How are you feeling by the way?"

"Shanice and Sarah haven't been nice" she tells me, I can practically hear her pouting, and that makes me chuckle. I wonder what they have been doing to her.

"What have those to knuckleheads been doing to you?" I ask her smiling, knowing those too wouldn't exactly hurt her, but only because I wouldn't want them too. Only 2 months, and they already know me so well.

"Well earlier today, I woke up from my nap because it was a bit chilly...... they dumped ice on me" she says slowly. I couldn't suppress my laugh, and a few of the girls notice. Tobin shooting me a questioning look.

"Oh and yeah practice was hell.. just for me by the way. Not only that but Le Sommer was very aggressive with me at practice, so we both had to run, of course I ran more then her. Let's not forget, I had the silent treatment from the team.. and our coach" she yells frustrated.

"Well Lucy, that's what you get" I tell her as I chuckle, meaning every word in the nicest way I could get out. She laughs also, knowing it's for shit and giggles.. maybe.

"I'm glad your back to laughing and being your cheery self. I know it's been pretty bad lately, and it's all my fault. I care about you, I really do; and as soon as I felt those old feelings resurface for Kiera.. I just knew I had to tell you. I was just scared of what it would do to you, to us"

"Let's go girls!" Jill yells out to the locker rooms. I figet with the necklace Alex gave me as I listen to Lucy. After a min, we say goodbye and she wishes me a good game. The team hasn't left the locker room even though we were called out.

"Girls!" Jill comes back and shouts angrily. I look at the girls, they were all just sitting and chatting away. I take my necklace off, I kiss it and hang it in my locker. The necklace means a great deal to me. Keeping it on me always except for practices and games of course.

"Hey!" I shout, and get everyones attention. They all look at me in fright.

"Let's go!" I tell them, and they all get up, and we go out. Going into the tunnel I stand behind Pinoe and she turns around to look at me as I grab the little girl's hand.

"We were just waiting on you, just so you know. We wanted to make sure you were going to be alright before we walked out" she tells me with a reassuring look. I nod and pat her back. The little girl next to me looks up at me smiling, I return one back. She giggles and hides her face from me, making me chuckle. We walk out alongside the Maltidas, I greeted a few as we walked out. When we line up, high fiving the rest of the girls playing today. We wait listen to Australia's National Anthem and then ours. We take our lineup picture, we despise once it's taken go to Jill. Pinoe walks up with Sam Kerr for the Captains.

"You doing better?" Carli asks me as we huddle in, I wrap my arm around her shoulder.

"For now" I tell her nodding, she pats my back. Jill talks about what to do and what we should expect from Austraila. When we disperse, Alex walks over to me. Wrapping her arms around my neck, and instinct I put my hands on my best friends mid waist.

"Take your mind off of the things going on, okay? Focus in the game, so we can get this win" she tells me to which I nod too. She pats my cheek lightly giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Alright let's go!" Jill calls out, I turn around, giving her a thumbs up I look back to Alex in a Swift motion.. my lips meeting hers. We pull away, I'm shocked and her eyes widen. Knowing there's cameras around, we pull apart.

"Did you guys just kiss?" Kelly asks us with a mid laugh.

"Tobin's going to fuckin kill me" I face palm. I hear Alex stifle a laugh, I look up and we just start laughing. Jill calls in for the last time, so we make our way to the field with the others. The whistles blown, let the game begin.

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