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I just want to say, that if you're out protesting, be careful. Do what you have to do to have you're voices heard but be vigilant because not everyone is on the same page. I also want to say Happy Pride month, it seems that America still fears of what we don't know, and people are absolutely outraged. It sickens me that there's people who are against the justice of innocent people, innocent human beings. These are things we shouldn't have to be fighting for anymore, black people should not have to be fighting for their lives. Its 2020 for christ sake. Anyway, be careful, protect yourselves and each other. If we're all in this together, whether your white, black, brown.. whatever mf color you are. If we're united, we are powerful. Love all of you guys ❤

RECOMEND THE SONG: White Privilege II by Macklmore.. really listen to it.


"Hi" I tell my sister, as she walks in with my mom. My sister urges me to scoot over so she can sit with me.

"I know it feels too soon" Adeline tells me, and I nod as she wraps her arm around me to bring my head down to her shoulder. My mom finds my hand, and she squeezes it.

"Look at this like a good thing. Now you can find an actual job" my mom tells me in a "nice way", that's how she feels she sounds. My sister sends a deathly glare at her. She scoffs, and looks at me with pleadingly eyes.

"Whatever your opinion is mom, set it aside please.. we don't need it right now" my sister defends.

"You always team up, and stand against me. When will you two ever learn that I only tell you what I think it's right for you too hear" she argues back, well great. This hospital visit turned itself into family drama. My mom always complains about us grouping up on her, when we're really just telling her how we feel. She thinks she's doing what's best for us sometimes but they come out the opposite. Before either of us could respond, there was a light knock at the door. I look at my sister, and she shrugs. I know the team left, so they can get some rest.. well only Because I told them or else I wouldn't talk to them for a whole month. My sister gets up, and walks to the door opening it slightly but she was in the way so I couldn't see who it was.

Adeline let's them in.

"Rylie Honey, you made it" my mom speaks up, walking over and bringing sister into a hug. My sister keeping eye contact with me, but she keeps her distance. She looks at my older sister, and she seems to get the message.

"Come on Mom"

"What? Why? We're all here now" she protests but Adeline scolds her, and they both leave the room. So it's just Rylie and I in the room. It's been so long since I've seen her, nothings changed though appearance wise. She's always had mixed feelings about me, and I never really knew why. I didn't want her too, but what did I know right?

"I know we have bad blood between us" she speaks up.

"There was never bad blood Rylie, you're my sister. I'd go through hell and back for you, even if you still pushed me away"

"I don't get it, why? Why couldn't you just be just as mad or upset with me as I was jealous of you?" She tells me frustrated, she slumps onto the chair dramatically with her hands covering her face. I never understood my sisters jealousy with me.. I never intended to make her feel that way. If anything.. I was trying to impress her. Adeline was nurturing with me but Rylie?.. she was always a tough cookie to crack. She was closer to me in age, so I tried hard to be cool and be good at things so she wouldn't be embarrassed to be my sister. Her friends weren't the nicest.

"I only wanted you're approval.."


"Because I looked up too you.. and Adeline but you never gave me the chance" I raise my voice a little high. There's a minute of silence. She looks out the window, and back to me.

"Um you played really good today.. nothing could get passed you."

"Yeah but it cost me everything" I tell her, and I hold my shoulder. I'm not showing my pain right now because I feel like my emotions haven't kicked in.. but I know when the day comes.. I'll break. Soccer is my whole life, and not being able to do it.. I don't know what I'm suppose to do without it.

"You'll pull through, your stronger then any of us."

"I'm not.. there's something that I need to tell the family" I tell her, and she looks at me confused. Pretty sure they've seen rumors or claims that I have a current addiction but they put didn't believe it.

"I fell into an opioid addiction, I've been fighting it constantly. There's days the pain hits me, and I crave even more" I tell her honestly, and she looks at me shocked. Closing the big distance between us, she pulls me into a hug. I've never had this kind of affection with her, it's honestly so orthodox to me.

"That was brave for you to admit" she tells me, and she pulls away.

"Thank you.. it wasn't easy but I couldn't have done it without my team."


"A historic day for not only USA fans but for Netherland fans. For the first time in world cup history to be in the final."

"We have 2 really amazing teams here today, who will be the World Cup Champions?"

Taking my attention off the TV in the locker room, I look at my teammates. It's been quiet, they're all in their zones. After so of constant waiting for this day to come, it feels weird to not be wearing my gear and my Jersey. I'll be sitting at the bench, and my family will be just above us in the stands. We all decided to wear different jerseys. As much as I love my bestfriend Alex, I wouldn't be wearing her jersey. Instead I'm showing the number 23 behind my back. She doesn't know, but that's okay.

Before we go out, I grab my gloves and stuff them in my pockets. I'm obviously not playing, I have my arm in a sling and I'm scheduled tomorrow morning for surgery but I wanted to give someone in the crowd my gloves.

"5 mins Ladies"

"That's my cue" I say to myself, and I walk over to Christen. She looks up at me after finishing tying her left cleat.

"See you soon baby" I tell her before we share a sweet shortlived kiss. I start to walk to the door of the locker room, before I make it to the door. I look back, and I take a moment to take this moment in. Back on my heel, I walk down the halls to get to the tunnels. The closer I walk to the opening, the louder the drums get for me, I stop myself to take a few deep breaths. 

"You ready?" I hear someone oddly close behind me tell me, and they walk up putting their hand on my shoulder.

"Not yet" I look at her, and she nods sadly.

We both walk together side by side, out of the tunnel. Screaming fans, and people waiting for the game to begin, I walk to the team benches. As I walk towards them, the stadium gets louder and I look up to see the ones next to me. All staring at me, and clapping. With my good arm, I wave to the fans.

"I know it may seem.. well upsetting for you to be here but the team is really happy you're here. They were hoping for a speech earlier but you walked out of the locker room"

No ones POV

"We can see Holland Reed sitting at the benches with an arm sling, we were informed she'll be taking a flight after the game to the USA. She'll be having her surgery tomorrow."

"You told us that you recently contacted Holland, how did she say she was doing?"

"She's feeling great right now, she's positive about the surgery."

Returning back on to the field. Everyones getting ready for the officials to start it up, since it's time. As the music starts to die down, the officials grab the starting match ball, as the lines follow.

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