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Ashlyn, Ali, and I met in one house to watch the semifinals of the UEFA championships league. Lyon is playing Chelsea. We're of course rooting for Lyon. Last game, they had Sarah as goalkeeper. The last few games, our girl hasn't played. We're upset but its probably because their coach is just taking precautions. Everyone seems to be doing that with her, and I already know she's irritated about it. She's talked to us more lately, and because of it we felt more at ease that she's not doing this alone.

"Hey look at the lineup" Ash gives me her phone, and I look straight to the goalkeeper. She'll be playing today, I'm so excited for her.

"She's honestly the best ever goalkeeper the womens National team has ever had" Ali says, making Ash look at her with a hurt expression. Ali gives her a apologetic look.

"I'm totally messing with you babe, I know she's the best." Ash breaks the serious face into a smile. Making us laugh, and I put my attention back to the pregame talk from the commentators. While they talk, the camera focuses on the girls warming up. We see Holland stretch along with the other goalkeepers. Something catches my eye. She has plastic wrapped around her forearm. I look closely, it's a Roman numeral.  

"Thirteen" Ali speaks up. She got a tattoo of my number? Or does thirteen mean something different to her?

Holland POV

"Alright girls, let's go!" We disperse, and I feel a few pats on my back. Before I get past the sideline, I look to the camera sending a kiss to someone special in my life. My best friend, she'll know it's for her. I walk to goal, and I stretch my arms on the way there. I get on position, ready for the ref to blow the whistle for the start of the game.

My defense is playing really good, but so is Chelsea, I've had to do a couple of saves here and there.

"Push up!" I tell them as the mids start to build up play.

Time skip

"Let's go!" I tell the girls as we set up for a corner, that Chelsea will be taking. Chelsea player stands in front of me, she keeps pushing up against me. I hate these situations because sometimes you have to punch it out, and you can injure someone else but it's part of the job. The ball flys through the air, and I jump up to punch it out. I'm knocked off my feet, landing shoulder on the turf. My shoulder shot a pain through, that my heart felt. I grip on my shoulder as I lay on the floor.

"Call it!" I hear someone shout, and finally a whistle was blown to stop play. Time stops, and I just hope it isn't serious. The medics come over to me, and they help me by pushing me off my back.

"Shoulder?" They ask me, and I nod. The pain is starting to lift but I don't think I can continue the rest of the game. Unfortunately we have already used our 3 subs. I have to do what I have to do.

"I'm good" I tell them, and they look at me sternly.

"Holland" they tell me, and I look at them pleadingly. They believe me, and they give me water before they leave. I walk behind them, as I wait to be led back in. Lucy and Wenard walk over to me, to check up on me.

"Hollande si ça fait mal, l'un des sera volontairement gardien, nous ne pouvons pas vous risquer même si c'est le Semis"
(Holland if it hurts, one of us will willingly be keeper, we can't risk you even if it is the Semi) Wenard tells me, and Lucy nods in agreeance.

"je vais bien" I tell her, making Wenard look at Lucy, they shake their head. They walk away disappointedly. (I'm alright)

Alex POV

"I want to yell at her"


"What? She should not be playing if she just got done hurting her shoulder Ali, she needs to take it seriously" Ash retorts back to Ali, she's upset. I'm worried for Holland, she's so stubborn. I would be yelling at her if I was there, she's so lucky I'm not though. You can see her wince when she moves it around, she's just making it so much worse by playing.

As Chelsea builds up the play on Lyons half, you can see the frustration with Holland. She's not the type to get angry easily, but when it comes to an important tournament she can get a little..  Agressive. She starts shouting at her teammates, as they run back to help defend. One of Chelsea's players kick a long ball towards goal 27ft from the goal, catching Holland off guard, and she drives to punch it out. She falls to the ground, while she takes her time getting back up her defenders are doing their jobs since the ball didn't go out of bounce.

"Shit, come on Holly" as Ash said that, the ball was kicked towards goal again. It's like it happened in slow motion, the ball flying towards the upper 90 and Holland is still on the her knees holding her bad shoulder.

Holland POV. 

I see the ball hurdling towards my right corner. With all I have left, I push myself up. Feet off the ground, I get the tips of my fingers on it. I pushed it out and I hit the ground once more. The pain in my shoulder more severe then before, doesn't allow me to get back up just yet.

"Holly!" I hear Lucy yell by me, as a pair of hands grab my good arm. They try helping me back up. We're setting up for a corner Chelsea is taking. We have 3 mins to the end of the game, and I am determined to keep a clean sheet until the end of the last second of time.

Christens pov

"She's going to be okay Chris" Kelly comments as we sit in my couch watching Holland play, and I'm absolutely worried. I don't want anything to happen to her, and the fact that she's playing through pain.

"How would you know that?" I snap back, immediately feeling guilty for backlash. Kelly looks like she feels bad for even trying to make me look at the brightside.

"I'm sorry"

I give her an apologetic look, and she brings me in for a hug.

"It's okay Pressy, you're just worrying about your girlfriend"

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