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"As a goalkeeper, why is it so important to have a strong mindset?"

"We deal with a lot of criticism, even if your called the best in the world. You are constantly under pressure, and it's a lonely job. Strikers are always in the limelight, the difference is that Goalkeepers don't want the attention. Unless you are in front of the opponents side of the fans. They yell things at you, and try to get in your head. If you turn around and see the crowd, they sorta take advantage and come at you. You have to believe in yourself the entire time and just focus, be alert."

"Why did you choose this position?"

"Honestly I love seeing the other opponent upset they didn't score. I've never been one for wanting to score, I love keeping balls out of the net. I've always grown differently, by that I mean; while others are dribbling the ball past defenders, I was hurrling balls to my defenders and diving. I love challenges that way, I love pressure and big moments. I think now being at a good time in my career, I have such a bigger role even if people don't notice it."

"Did you choose this position or was it something brought upon you. There's a lot of goalkeepers who were told that's where they need to play."

"Ha um well when Soccer was ever first introduced to me, I never attempted to dribble or even kick the ball. I always picked it up and threw it. I did eventually learn how to dribble and kick the ball when I had to play a midfielder but I never felt right there. Even goalkeeping is a uncomfortable position but I love that's it's that way. You have to put yourself into uncomfortable situations to grow. After so many years, I'm still not comfortable and I never want to be."

"How do you feel you are at physically and mentally? Leading to the world cup?"

"Strong and prepared. It's my first ever major tournament, I know how much I need to put into it. From here on out, just gotta lock in and focus."

When I was done, we picked up the cameras. They left my hotel room, Alex is next door with Kelly since we couldn't have anyone else but me in there. She's doing an interview too for her thing with ESPN too. I went down to the conference room, and I saw Jill reading through some papers. I walk over to her and sit next to her.

"Despite some of our differences, thank you for having my back" I tell her, she adverts her eyes to me.

"You would've done the same for me" she tells me. She's right, even though we don't usually see eye to eye, she's my coach. I wouldn't call her out or talk rudely about her on press or on camera, our arguements are behind closed doors.

"I saw your first game with Lyonnais, you did really good. You led the team pretty well, I've been doing some thinking. We really need you to lead as much as the rest of the leaders we got on this team. I have a feeling this world cup it's going to be different" she tells me, and I nod. I get up, and I walk out the condense room, not looking up from my phone. I run into someone, and I instantly catch them before they fall. I hear my phone fall, and a broken screen sound. Well fuck. The girl with brown wavy hair lifts her head up to me, and I stare into this beautiful hazel like eyes.. of Christen Press.

"In a hurry?" I ask her chuckling, and she blushes and runs her finger to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Something like that, did I crack your phone?"

"No, the floor did" I tell her, and she giggles. We notice I still have her embraced in my arms. We awkwardly pull away, and she bends down to pick up my phone. She hands it to me, and I look into her eyes as I reach over to grab it. I scan her face.

"You okay?" I ask her with concern as I take a one second glance at my screen. Yup broken. She nods slowly

"I'm okay Holly, just late for my date" she tells me and she puts her head down. She doesn't wait for my reply, she walks past me. I turn around and watch her walk away, and my heart felt kinda hurt. Who was she seeing?.. will they be good to her?
I thought she loved me? What are you saying Holland..

My phone vibrates and I look down at the message I've received.

MyLove❤: We need to talk, call me when you can.

I dail her number worried, I hope she's okay. It rings for ever, and finally I hear her voicemail. I'm growing frustrated, I walk to the lobby and I call her again. No answer. I call Sarah instead, maybe she knows about Lucy.

"What's up Holly"

"Where's Lucy? She told me to call her as soon as I could and she hasn't answered any of my calls." I tell Sarah over the phone.

"She was with me 10 mins ago, she said she was meeting up with a friend. Said she was going to the game room" she says, I hear her closing a door. She must be heading down to the arcade room the apartment building has. She doesn't respond for what seems like 5 mins.

"Hey Luce" I hear her say. There's a pause on the other line. I hear nothing.


"Hey you okay?" Alex asks me as she walks into the lobby and notices me. She sits next to me, and I look at her. She wraps her arm around my shoulder and pulls me into her.

Finally hearing shuffling on the other line

"Hey um Holly.. Lucy is with Keira"

That's all I needed to hear.

"Thank you Sarah, love you, I'll see you in a few"

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