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"Yesterday Holland Reed, the US womens national team starting keeper dropped a documentary last night on ESPN. It was emotional, yet very inspiring. She mentioned her retirement, which honestly caught all of us by surprise. Here's what some people had to say"

Your documentary was absolutely amazing, thank you for sharing your journey with us. I wish you good health through the world cup, love you Holly!

Hope Solo
Only goalkeepers understand the struggle and mentality in our position. Thank you Holland for sharing how difficult the role is of being one. You truly embraced the journey and the job of being a keeper. Sending prayers and love your way.

Alex Morgan
This is was unexpected news to me. Had me in tears but it was so beautiful, thank you Holly for sticking with us as far as you could. We love you so much, and can't wait to see you back in camp. So we can all make more fulfilling memories with you.

Abby Wamback
Inspirational, Motivational, Influential, Memorable.. I can keep going about this documentary. I hope the best for you at the world cup, my family and I send prayers for your health. We love you Holly, keep pushing.

"A lot of words of encouragement. She's getting a lot of support, which is good. With the world cup right around the corner-"

I turn off the TV. I cover myself with my blanket, I lean back on the couch. I've been ignoring calls left and right, Lucy and Sarah have been checking up on me. I'm currently alone in my apartment. I hear nothing but the loudness of silence. I'm alone, but I wouldn't be if I would just answer my calls but I'm scared. What am I suppose to say?

Just in time, my phone starts ringing. Unknown number. I let it ring until it stops, I get up and I hear my phone ding. I look to my phone, and I see a message.

Unknown messge:
Holly, please answer me. Like Asap! something's wrong with Tobin!

I immediately call back, and it rings once until someone picks up.

"Is everything okay?"

"No, Tobin's upset you haven't answered anyones calls. Holland you need to talk to us, don't push us away." Alex tells me sadly over the phone.

"Anyway how is your shoulder? Have you iced it? Does it hurt right now?" She questions me like a worried mother. I nod even though she can't see me.

"Alex I'm fine, it doesn't hurt right now. I'm sorry I haven't been answering anyone's calls.. it's just been pretty hard, now that the world knows."

The door opens of my apartment, and Lucy comes in with 2 mugs. She makes her way over managing on not dropping the mugs. She sits next to me, handing me what I see now is tea.

"It's all fine Holly, you just had me worried."

Lucy signals me, that she'll be leaving realizing I'm on the phone. I shake my head no, and she mouths 'you sure' I nod and she stays.

"I love you Alex, and I'm totally fine."

I hear a sniffle coming from her side of the line. I didn't want to make my best friend cry, especially not over me.

"I love you too Holly. Just don't push us away, the team cares you know."

"I won't, just promise me you won't baby me" I tell her, and she chuckles.

"No promises" she says before hanging up. The line goes dead and I smile. How could I ever thank my best friend?

"She really cares about you" Lucy speaks up. Not gonna lie, I was so caught up in my mind that I had totally forgot she was there.

"Yeah Alex and I are in a different kind of level. She's.. my soulmate for a bestfriend. Like we were meant to be best friends, I'm lucky to have her." I curl up in my blanket, as I hold my mug in my hands. Thinking about her birthday, I should really get ahead on that. I know it isnt for a couple of months but I don't like to be late on things.

"What are you going to get her?"

Here I go again, thinking out loud.

"I'm thinking about pulling an Ariana, and getting her a ring" I chuckle, and Lucy looks at me confusingly but smiling of course.

"A ring?"

"Yup. She better wear it too, on her right hand because the other hand is reversed for Tobin"

"Alright and how are we going to do this?"

"On her birthday, I'll purpose to her. As cheesy as it sounds, and well Alex and I can be. The Eiffel Tower, at night under the lights."

"That's cheesy but cute, love it." She tells me shivering and pulling on my blanket. I deny her, and she pouts. I give in, and she curls up beside me. Even though we aren't together, we're still very close. We just don't do intimate things with each other, and I'm okay with that. I'm also trying to figure myself out, because.. of her and Christen. When I kiss Christen, I feel.. at home, at peace but when I kiss Lucy.. it's something new and exciting.. I don't know who I want..

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