Alone in the Rain - Sasuke

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Sasuke cursed openly, spluttering indignantly as the cold droplets pounded relentlessly on his shoulders, causing mass spasms of pinprick-like pain to jolt every time he shifted them. His normally spiky black hair was giving way to an odd mess of droopy tresses, and the long bangs kept flopping into his face.

    Why me?  The boy glared at the sky as he lightly shivered from the cold. Even the dobe went home after practice today...

    Like an idiot, he had purposely ignored the threatening looking storm clouds in the distance—and his teammates warnings—and had trained until long after nightfall, and probably would have longer, if not this.

  Sasuke found himself in utter darkness, ascending the hill to the training grounds that he himself had come here many, many times before—so far back the memories went, it blended in his mind...

   It didn't take long for the rise was more of a gentle incline than a steepness, and soon he found himself on the plateau, facing the familiar-looking logs and then he felt it. Someone's chakra.

   Someone was here.

   Sasuke immediately activated his Sharingan and hid his presence—sinking into the gloom of the trees, and advancing stealthy, until he could make out the undistinguishable figure atop the rock.

    Closer... closer... within striking range, if he wanted to use a jutsu... even closer... until he was directly in front of the person, did Sasuke finally realize who it was.

     (Name) (Last Name). As far as he knew of her, she held a high position in her Clan as the Clan-head's daughter and second heir.

    And yet here she sat, shivering and sodden, that (f/c) hoodie she always wore thoroughly drenched, and weighing down her small frame. Her hair was dripping and flat, contrasted greatly against her (s/c) skin. Her eyes fixated on her feet, and she was completely unaware, completely vulnerable.

  "What could one be doing here, at this time of night?" His voice sounded rough, strangled, even to himself.

   There was a sharp intake of breath, as her head jerked up, eyes wide and surprised, hand retracting quickly to retrieve a hidden kunai before she stopped when she recognised who he was.

   "Why aren't you at home?" They way he said it now sounded more like a demand, an order. "Surely you would be missed by now."

    These words sparked an unknown hurt in the girl's chest. No. They don't miss me. They don't care.

   "I-I tried... to get b-back, but the guards wouldn't let me..." It was odd to see the (Last Name) girl so fragile, delicate - and dare he say, a rousing.

    "You are a member of the Main Branch, are you not? They would recognize you." He vanished, reappearing right next to her.


    "Surely they must send out a search party..." he purred, leaning in even farther, lips brushing against her ear.

   The girl gave a small squeak, and tried to scoot backwards without falling of the rock. She didn't succeed, only in tipping him further on top of her.

   Why was he enjoying this? He had never even talked to her before. But she looked so...

   "N-no..." she whispered, the unusual eyes filling with tears—she hoped it wasn't visible, with all this rain.

     "No, they d-don't care..." she clenched her hands, feeling the blunt nails digging into slippery flesh, felt his hands close over hers again—and continued. "Nobody cares..."

    "Are you sure?" Sasuke asked, pulling away and staring at her again, nose millimeter's away from hers. "Are you absolutely certain that there's no one?"


    She was silenced by a pair of strong, lean arms encircling her—so surprised that she stopped crying for a second, and lifted her head. Wet clothes melded together, but she felt the heat of his body against hers, and felt the blood rush to her face. The kunoichi leaned back a bit, and tried to find footing on the stone.

"Sasuke—?" she asked a little breathlessly, forgetting to add the suffix, for once.

    Closing his eyes and resting his head on her back, Sasuke began to feel the affection for the pitiful girl grow slowly in his chilly heart. It was a nice feeling, something that he had not felt since he was very, very young...

   "That's not true. I don't hate you. I accept you..." he lifted her gaze to him and ignored the rain dripping onto them and rubbed his thumb on her bottom lip.

   (Name) blushed under his gaze.
  "Just stay with me until you're no longer lonely."

     And with that their lips connected.


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