Shameless - Shisui

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Requested by isabaronc ! Some cute Shisui fluff! AU: Kakashi Shisui and Itachi are the same age.

"(Name), marry me!"

The short little girl slowly turned around blankly, her mouth pulled into a straight line. She knew of only one person—-the one and only person that would be able to shout those words in public as an announcement, Shisui Uchiha.

The only boy who deemed her as a possible love interest and option to marry at the beautiful bratty age of five.

The (brunette, blonde etc) stared at him before gradually turning back around and continuing with sharpening her kunai.

"(Name)!" Shisui cried, "Marry me!"


"Marry me (Y/N)!" He continued to cry loudly, utterly hurt from how he was given the cold shoulder by his hopeless lover.

This was the exact moment a teacher decided to walk up to them. He was a good looking man, Uchiha Fukuro.

Pleasant eye candy that the five year old girl loved to shamelessly stare at with the excuse that she was only a five year old and not a shameless pervert—-

"So why do you want to marry (Name), Shisui?"

With fat tears in his eyes, Shisui turned to to Fukuro with a small glare of jealousy, "S-so we don't leave eachother." He was well aware that any man could take his precious wife-to-be.

"Okaa-san t-told me that me," Shisui sniffled with trembling lips. "We won't always be together.."

Fukuro looked at the cause of tears.

"It's true." (Name) stated blankly with her back to the duo. "I will move onto greater pleasures."

  She moved across the room to another short-haired child, grabbing his hand. The girl shoved her hand into his pocket, ripping out a small bit heavy black purse.

  "I will marry the richer man."

   The teacher gaped.

  Shisui swore.

  Kakashi blushed.

   The girl looked at them, "Shisui will be the one left behind."

"See Sensei!" Shisui pointed out with a frown. "I don't want her to leave! She's my partner!"

"Your payment expired last week, Uchiha."

"W-wha? I-I'll buy you more of Auntie's onigiri!"

"Kakashi would get it for free."

"I love you more! M-marry me!"

"I said no."

Shisui looked at his teacher for help, "If she marries me, she can't leave me! Right?" Fukuro was downright flustered at the conversation and could only splutter out a small 'um'.

(Name) smirked, "I could always have an affair." Then she crossed her arms like she had solved the issue. "It always happens in those fanfics and dramas Yonokia- Neechan watches."

"You can't! You can only be with me!"

"I don't like you."

"I thought we were friends!"

She gave him a thumbs down.

He gasped.

Fukuro just wondered what he was doing.

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