3 embraces - Shi/Ita/Ka

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Requested by Starfireuzumaki

"You awake yet?"

Starfire could hear the husky voice before fully waking up from his deep slumber. His hair was messy and eyes opened slowly- half asleep.

"Shisui?.." Was called out tiredly, rolling over so that he was lying on his stomach.

"Right here," Shisui answered and he could practically hear his smug grin. "Damn, I doubt you'll be able to walk normally anytime soon." He whistled suggestively.

"Shut up." The boy groaned, blushing as he attempted to pull the blanket towards him, only to wince with a slight grimace. "Ouch.."

His comment only seemed to feed Shisui's already big ego: "What did you expect though?,". Starfire felt him crawl onto the back of his legs. "You did take three of us."

"W-What are you doing?"

"Shh, you'll wake the others." He whispered cheekily, pecking the back of Starfire's head.

"Hey! Don't you ever get tired?!"


"Too late." A pair of mismatched eyes opened, both onyx and red gleaming and the duo turned to the source of the smooth voice. "I don't think any of us will ever get tired of you."

Starfire frowned, "Eventually you'll get tired—Hell! Even I get tired."

"Fucking Sasori."

Kakashi frowned, hearing Shisui's small curse in the background and grabbed Starfire's chin. "Do you really want me to tie you to the bed with Pakkun's collar in order to show you how I wouldn't ever get tired?.."

Starfire held in a shriek when feeling Kakashi move his face to the blushing boy's neck. "I get it! NO NEED FOR THAT!"

"Glad you understand, hun." Kakashi said in a low voice, pecking his lover's neck lightly.


"You're very loud." Starfire glanced over to where Itachi has been sitting the entire time. How he managed to get there, he would never know.

"Hmmph." He stuck his tongue out.

Itachi smirked, "Put that away unless you wish to use it." And watched in satisfaction as Starfire jumped alongside his two teammates.

"Damn you!"

Itachi walked over, "Hmm? You seem to have way too much energy considering what you had done last night," He was already next to the trio on the end. "Let me correct that."

And with that their lips connected once more.

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