Puppy Love - Sasuke

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This won the poll last time I checked but if u reallyyy want of the other options, bother me in the comments. I lost the original chapter I wrote which pissed me off. 4000 words gone.

"This really couldn't be a coincidence.."

You and your students stared at the appearance of a small gift laying on your desk, a small silver cat charm sitting in a small black jewellery box. There was the second appearance of a familiar white note attached with a pin with a neat: 'To [Name]' written on the paper. It was a cute gift, though not the first.

There had been three others before this.

"I wanna know who gives you this Sensei!" Naruto huffed, crossing his arms as a determined fire lit up his gaze. And I'll find him! That bastard..! Then, "If I find out, gimme ramen!"

"Maybe?.." She teased with a small smirk, walking to the desk and picking it up. "I don't know about these gifts though." I don't see myself having any secret admirers at the moment.

"[Name] Sensei!" The sound of a feminine call led you to turn around, watching the small pink-haired child hop down the stairs excitedly. Her green eyes glittered, "Can I see the charm?"

"Sure, Sakura."

There was a small quiet snicker when a blonde girl moved seats. Yamanaka Ino, having silently stolen Haruno Sakura's spot next to Uchiha Sasuke, glanced up at them. She smiled a little, saying, "I think it's sweet! Whoever keeps giving you those things must really like you, Sensei!"

The teacher blushed, lowering her head a little. Why do they seem so interested in this? Her mind flickered back to her morning and she instantly wanted to go back in time. "I don't think so.. its probably a lot out their pocket and besides..I'm more of a dog person."

The first gift was a jade hairpin, followed by a pair of expensive chopsticks and a limited edition flower-patterned necklace that she had really wanted.

It was flattering to say that least to know the efforts someone had gone through for her.

But.. still a bit creepy.

"But— I-It has your name on it," the kunoichi behind her pointed out, glancing at the Uchiha boy infront of her with a blush. "That's so romantic!.. They must be so thoughtful— I wish someone would do that for me.!" There was a sudden group of squeals leaving the group of kids that left her wincing. Girls today and their hormones. She took a peek at the source of their screams, making eye contact with the Uchiha boy.

Ah, he's gonna be heartbreaker for sure.

Sasuke looked at his teacher with a blank face, practising the perfect edgy Uchiha look. His dark eyes focused on the older (h/c)-haired woman when a small redness spread across her cheeks, a bust of pride entering his chest. A small smirk graced the seven- year olds lips behind his hand.

"I think its Neji," Naruto muttered. "It has to be."

"Naruto, it's time to stop speculating and pass me your missing homework."

"[Name] Sensei! The dog ate it!"

"You don't have one."

Naruto paused before locking eyes with brown, his finger shooting out to point—

"Don't drag Kiba into this."

"Sensei!" Naruto cried in betrayal when the rest of his classmates let out chuckles at the situation. It wasn't the first time that he had come up with creative ideas to escape the small extra lessons for those who didn't hand in homework. "I swear it's a ninja dog! So fast I didn't see it!"

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