White - Itachi

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Itachi watched Naruto and Sasuke have a snowball fight, he watched as the girls built a snowman. He watched Sakura add a layer of snow whenever the snowman needed it, he even watched Kakashi and Shisui read Christmas books to them selves.

    He never did like the snow, especially after a Halloween incident with a sugar fuzzy bunny outfit. He didn't enjoy the risk of slipping on the ice or getting frostbite on his toes. That was beside the point though.

   His girlfriend was paying more attention to the view of outside from the window than to him.

   (Name)'s hands were against the window, her eyes peeking through the curtain to look at the snow falling. Her pale lips were slightly parted, slow breaths leaving it. Her hair was pulled into a messy ponytail but Itachi only savoured the look on her. She's perfect in every way.

   "Hey, why don't you come down and help us?" Sakura asked Itachi, snapping him out of his daze as the Team 7 strolled over to the window.

   "Hn, what's the point, the snow will just melt when you're done," He replied simply before looking over at his girlfriend. "She's sick, anyway."

    "That's not the point, Itachi, please?" Sakura asked again. Her eyes swept over to his girlfriend at the window as he lent against the door.

   "Just leave him alone, he'll probably just melt the snow man when your done, I, the great Uzumaki Naruto, will help instead," The blonde said while taking hold of the girl's hands, who immediately flinched away. Naruto chuckled nervously after seeing Sasuke's glare. Ah, I forget that she's with Lee...And that Sasuke approves of Lee..

    "Hey, what about our snowball fight?" Naruto offered, though he was not given a reply from either brother.  "Oh, I get it, you're chickening out."

"I am not," Sasuke shot back, heaving the snowman's head at the now snow-covered blondie. He huffed, crossing his arms. "Hinata wouldn't appreciate a sick fiancé," Sasuke then turned to the Uzumaki with a smirk. "Ino wouldn't like to have her floors stained either."

"Shut up, bastard."

"I'll have you know my parents are happily married, idiot."

"...shut up."

Itachi chuckled lightly, shaking his head. These two act like children..He gently shut the door, leaving Team 7 outside in the snow, not bothering to comment on how Kakashi was giggling or how Shisui was smiling gently at his girlfriend, Yonokia. He's smitten with her..

"Itachi?" His head snapped back to the owner of the voice, taking in her appearance with soft eyes. Though thoroughly sick and unwell with a cold, she was still a sight for sore eyes. She's going on unaware of this as well, "What are you doing here? I thought you were going out to play—"

"I'm fine." He cut her off, closing the distance between them. His arms were wrapped around her waist, head inclined down towards her. His black eyes peered softly at her wide ones. "What's your temperature?"

(Name) smiled, "It's gone down. I'll be well by tomorrow." She nuzzled into his chest, returning his embrace lovingly. She savoured the warmth he gave. I love it when he's like this.. "Merry Christmas, I guess."

Itachi frowned ever so slightly into her head, "Are you sure that you're fine? You wished for a white Christmas and it came but—-"

"I'm fine." She pecked him on the cheek before smiling at him once more. "And it's because you're here."

Itachi only smiled back.

She gave another back.

"White Christmas or not, it's better when you're here, Itachi."




"That was cheesy." Shisui chuckled at the sight of Itachi's glare but acted like he hadn't seen it. His arm was wrapped around Yonokia, her head leaning on his shoulder. "But I win boyfriend of the year!"

Yonokia only shook her head.

"For f*cks sake, Shisui!" Her cheeks were red in embarrassment. "You're drunk!"

"Nokia?..Why's there two (Name)s?~~~"

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