Child's play - Izu/Tobi

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Requested by Anbu_Obito !


"Huh? I haven't said anything yet (Name)," Izuna mused with a quirk of the brow, gazing at her with amusement in his eyes. "Why the sudden answer?"

The (Last Name) studied her good friend, from the long ponytail of brown resting on his shoulder, the bangs framing his handsome face. His dark eyes looked at her softly, a gentle smile pulled on his pink lips.

She could only stare at him in a daze. He's so pretty, (Name) continued to stare at the Uchiha. He makes me look like a bear siting next to him. How is one born with such a beautiful face?

"Before, you said you're crazy for chasing after Yuki-san. I don't think you're crazy at all," (Name) explained gently, still shamelessly admiring his face. I could do this for all eternity.

"Hmmm, you think so?" Said man propped his chin on his palm, taking another bite of his sea salt popsicle. Both individuals sat on her open porch, facing the blooming garden. "Tobirama-san doesn't think so."

Smiling, she drew her knees to her chest, resting her head atop them. "He's always so moody, that boy." (Name) looked at the younger man in the corner of her eye. "You're young Izuna-kun, falling for someone is all part of living life and growing up. Or did you forget about that part," She teased, meeting the Uchiha's own shocked eyes with her own playfully, "You've certainly gotten taller, buuuuut-"

"Hey!" Izuna bit out, a small blush on his cheeks. "You're only one moon cycle older!" But despite his outburst, he watched adoringly as she giggled at his offended glare.

"That's old enough, Uchiha." They both turned over their shoulder and a smile greeted their visitor. "And what about me being moody?"

"Good afternoon Tobirama-kun." (Name) nodded in greeting, Izuna doing the same before scooting over to let the Senju sit beside them. "Oh nothing! Who would say that?.." she ignored his blatant stare that screamed that she was a horrible liar before facing Izuna.

"Besides, I can tell she likes you."

"Oho, really~" Izuna mused, attempting to appear level-headed at that comment, however the blush on his face gave him away. The idea of anything woman liking him was embarrassing, he still felt a string of embarrassment when any compliments flew his way.

"Who fancies him?" The Senju asked the girl curiously.

"Yuki-san." (Name) giggled. "The girl that used to watch him when we played in the courtyard as children!"

Tobirama let out a huff in amusement.

"For someone who likes me, she sure hits hard," He pouted rubbing his left upper arm, beneath his blue long sleeve a small bruise sat. "She hit me with a table yesterday when I asked her to deliver my paintbrushes."

Giggling, she reached over and placed a hand over his own. Closing her eyes, she let out a part of her chakra, pour out of her palm. She remained oblivious to the shine in the Uchiha's eyes as he focused his attention on her serene expression. His own frame relaxing, his fingers twitching as he felt her chakra wash over his own hand and into his arm. Sometimes her healing felt like a cool wash cloth and other times a warming pack, both elicited a fluttering sensation in the ninja.

"(Name).." he let out softly before freezing at the glare the Senju was giving him and returning it at full force. Izuna then decided to ignore it and looked back at the (brunette, blonde, redhead etc). If only she would realise that I...Just as his eyes wandered towards her lips, she pulled back and met his gaze once again.

"Keep taking chances Izuna-kun," (Name) urged, turning to stare at the sky. "Even if you fall, you'll be okay. Life is about taking chances."

The trio fell into a flaming silence before Tobirama let out a sigh, vanishing into thin air with a shake of his head.

"Besides, you have me." A chuckle escaped him, her cheesy smile somehow brightened the already sunny day.

"I do, don't I. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing," Izuna quipped, letting himself fall back as the woman growled and pounced on him, attempting to yank his hair but instead was pulled down by a strong arm. An arm wrapped around her waist, a hand on her cheek.

Her eyes stared at her childhood friend in shock as his lips neared hers.

"But then again, that's mere child play." He laid her down on the wooden floor gently, hovering over her. Hands near her head.

"I'm an adult," Izuna smirked. "So let's step it up."

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