Questions - Itachi

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"Uh, Itachi?" she turned to face him, shyly.

    "Hn," he acknowledged her vaguely, as usual.

     "Well, I was just wondering..." she paused, still nervous. It was unlike her to ask such a question but she needed to know. She decided to go on the offensive.

     "Do you think I'm pretty?"

    He turned his head, and stared at her with his sharp onyx eyes. She felt squeamish under his stare, but withstood it. She had to know. She wasn't going to set herself up, again.

It seemed like forever that he stared at her, and the longer he did, the more uncomfortable she felt. Finally, he turned away. A gust of wind played with her hair, and cooled the light sheen of sweat that had manifested on the back of her neck.

"No." Was his single syllable, monotone reply.

The (h/c)-haired woman's heart sunk in her chest.


(Name) sighed into her hand. Snow blanketed the ground, giving everything a white shine that was simply breathtaking.

Then, the snow had been peaceful and full of joy... Now, it was silent and cold and lonely. She wished Itachi would come join her; to partake in the simple joy of watching with her, but she suspected that it was a simplicity that he wouldn't understand.

Moments later, however, she heard his soft footsteps in the hallway, and felt his fingers brush across her back. His nose pressed into the side of her face briefly, and the skin-on-skin contact warmed her insides. It was rare that he was openly affectionate with company around, but the (Last Name) wasn't about to complain

"Itachi," she said, without turning to look at him.

He acknowledged her by tightening his grip around her hips, pulling her closer.

"Would you want to be with me, forever?"

The Uchiha didn't reply. The silence cut her heart in pieces.

She wished, she prayed- All I want is someone to make me happy. I want that to be Itachi. Please.

After what seemed like a millennia, Itachi inhaled deeply. "No," he said quietly, and pulled away, walking out of the room with her heart.



The man turned to look at her, as did Shisui, Kakashi, and Sasuke. Their chatter died down, as they waited to hear what she had to say. She didn't bother taking him away to talk to him privately.

"If I left... would you cry?"

The Uchiha prodigy was silent. However, his friends were not.

"What's wrong, (Name)?" Shisui asked, concerned. "Are you going somewhere? Are you in trouble?"

"(Name), if he over there did anything to hurt you, I'll kill him," Kakashi said, cracking his knuckles and staring worriedly at his younger sister figure.

"Did something happen with you and Nii-san?.." Sasuke questioned with worry laced in his voice.

Her heart went out to them as they pressed her with questions- their concern showed how much they cared for her. But as much as that warmed their heart, the one whose concern she hadn't heard yet was breaking it.

She ignored the three of them, focusing intently on her boyfriend's face, who looked back at her with a painful expression.

His black eyes were glittering with something that she couldn't name, but she felt her heart shatter when he glanced curiously at his friends, and then away.


Of course. She bit her lip in sorrow, a pit building up in her stomach but blinked when she felt hand over hers.

"(Name) (Last Name)," he said, squeezing her hand lightly. "You're not pretty, you're beautiful. I don't want to be with you forever... I need to be with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you left... I would die."

And as he said that, he pulled her tightly to his chest, and squeezed her to him. Again, she felt the bitter sting of tears, and she cried again, burying her face into his shoulder, hugging him back.

She felt the dampness of a tear on her own neck where her boyfriend's face lay, and with the strangest sensations, it turned cold. Pulling her back, he stared her straight in the eyes.

"I love you," he said solemnly, and pressed something into her hands. "Please don't leave."

Looking down at it, she immediately fell to her knees in joy as their friends gathered around them with wide eyes and fond smiles.

"Would you marry me?" He questioned with a smile.

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