Affections once wanted - Itachi

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This is Hidden Affections Part II! Requested by insomnistorm ! PREPARE FOR TEARS!


Shisui frowned at the sight of his best friend, sobbing uncontrollably. He felt his stomach churn at the thought at what she had been going through over the years, heart hurting for her. His eyes softened and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her towards his chest. He placed his chin on her head, whispering consoling words to her-- wishing he could stop how she was feeling. Damn it! Itachi, how could you do this to her?!

  "H-he doesn't love me!" (Name) cried into his chest, hands gripping his top. "He always goes to h-her! S-Shisui!..." Tears ran down her face, shoulders shaking uncontrollably by the sobs racking her body. I never understand! WHAT DID I DO?...."..I'm his wife."

   He could only watch as (Name) shook her head, covering her face with her hands.  "(Name)..." Shisui mumbled, unable to form words as he heard her sobs.

    "I'm his w-wife.. His w-wife. But I don't understand..H-he never wanted me..DId he?" His heart shattered at the hopeless, lost look on her face when she turned to him. "T-then why did he choose me--Over her? A-at the clan meeting? S-she was there! All girls were there!"

     "It's okay, (Name).." Shisui whispered into her ear, hugging her closer. "Don't worry."



(Name) looked at her husband with a bitter scowl on her face. Her (h/c) hair was ruffled, (e/c) hues narrowed and nose red. She glared at the man sitting beside her with all her might, angered at the sight of him stoically staring back at her.

    "You called me here, (Name)?" His voice, cold as usual—onyx eyes holding no concern for her whatsoever and she wanted to scream, to yell her heart out in anger. "For what?"

  He's never spoken to her like this. And I'm his wife—Not his whore. She grit her teeth angrily before letting out a shaky breath, facing him. "I want to get the papers done."

  "Papers?," Itachi raised an eyebrow, his eyes narrowed in what seemed to be annoyance. "You called me for something you could have sorted out yourse—-"

    "No." (Name) cut him off, her lips pursed tightly together as she tried to calm herself down. Her (e/c) orbs looked at Itachi icily— Unlike her usual soft, saddened but adoring gazes. Calm down, (Name). Calm down. You can do this and—And then I'll be away from him. Happy... "I want a divorce— to cut this off."

   Itachi watched as his wife dug her hand into a bag beside her, bringing out a black folder— catching it when she threw at him.

  "Sign them." (Name)'s eyes watered once more in desperation and she ran a hand through her (h/c) locks of hair, stressed: her voice, shaky. "Then you c-can.. You can go to her." She turned to him for a reaction, her heart hurt. Of course.

   Itachi merely stared at her. Of course—- he wouldn't care.  She couldn't take it anymore and she burst into tears, uncaring that he was there.


 "Just what do you want from me?!" She cried, panting heavily, out of breath. "Itachi!"


Itachi watched his wife sway on her feet, her eyes half-lidded before she lent forward. He saw her (eye-color) hues shut and he jolted to his feet, catching her in his arms. Just as the door was opened, his cousin standing there with wide eyes.

   "What did you do?.." Shisui breathed out. "What happened to her?.." He moved forward to take her from her husband's arms but was stopped by Itachi flickering behind him, at the door.

 "She fainted." He looked down at his wife with unreadable eyes, a glint of emotion Shisui couldn't read held within them. Itachi looked over his shoulder, "From stress."

  "Why don't you just tell her?," Shisui asked, brows furrowed in concern. "She's been like this for the past three years!-- You seeing Izumi is an issue! You shower that bitch with love and treat (Name) like sh*t! "

    Itachi walked passed the bedroom, into the guestroom. "I can't tell her." He glared at his cousin. "Just like how I know you don't tell her how you feel about her. She's my wife."

   "With those divorce papers, she isn't!" Shisui shouted, enraged. "Then treat ( Name) like how she's meant to be--How you treat Izumi!"

   Itachi's head snapped to him, eyes red. "Do you think I want to? Do you think I want to treat her like that?" He was practically growling. "You know of my situation.." His voice cracked and Shisui watched in disbelief as a tear ran down his cheek. "If I don't...I don't want to put her in that situation. Izumi's father is of Kumogakure, Lord--"

  "Lord Mujibo, the Daimyo." Shisui finished, looking down. "Who wants Izumi to be with who she wants even with an affair.. Who is, you." He looked at Itachi. "God knows what I'd do."



Itachi caressed his wife's face lovingly, frowning at the dry tearmarks. "I wish things were different." He let it drop and tears ran down his face silently as he gazed down at her. "I'm so sorry."

  He lowered his head to hers, forehead to forehead. "I love you." Before connecting their lips, knowing he'd never know when he'd have her in his arms once more. "I wish I could explain everything."

  He lifted his head to see her asleep, and shut his eyes. "But I could show you." 

  He looked at her, eyes watery; the sharingan glowing in the darkness of the room. Itachi held her hands softly, before charging his chakra into her-- enough to snap her eyes open, though keeping her asleep.

  "And I can only pray you'll forgive me."


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