Hidden Claws - Sasuke

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(Name) has never questioned Sasuke Uchiha's friendship with Team Hebi. The same group of people that the Team Seven members had glared at wholeheartedly.

   She remembers the day he returned and frowned ever so slightly. That wasn't really a warm welcome to the village. Sakura was glaring with such hatred  into Karin's head that she was forced to resist a shiver. The other member, surprisingly wasn't much better.

   Naruto, the world known peacemaker, stared coldly at Suigestu— whose arm was loosely wrapped around Sasuke's shoulders. His usually bright blue orbs had lost their confident shine and his lips were pursed together tightly. It was as though he thought he wasn't good enough.

   (Name) grimaced at the memory. It wasn't their prettiest moment. But she never says anything about it. Because she knows.

   She knows the feeling of loving someone when that love is disapproved by people.

  She remembers watching him from the corner of her eye, the way Gaara's face slightly reddened when she shyly gave him a peck on his cheek. And despite all the disgusted murmurs and condescending stares of Suna, she ignored it all and chose to smile at him.

   She remembers when she graduated from the academy and how she was scared that she wouldn't be accepted. But now she smiles at the memory of the fallen, her heart warm.

  (Name) remembers getting her ears pierced with her ANBU captain on an girl's day out and how fast  her father's hand moved. How much her cheek stung and how fast her tears ran.



So in those early days, when the (haircolour)-haired girl sees Sasuke with his almost seen as only evil entourage of foreign-nin, (Name) doesn't ignore them. She's already had her share of being ignored and it isn't pleasant.

So instead, she welcome them with the same, slightly shy way she gives everyone. That day, she thinks of them with sympathy and, later, she thinks of them with laughter.

They remind her of ducklings following a Mama Duck.

The thought makes her squeak with laughter.

She claps her hand over her mouth immediately, eyes widening at her own rudeness. Quickly, she averts her eyes, but not before she meets Sasuke's, flicking to hers.

His dark eyes narrow the tiniest bit, his brows digging down in a frown so slight it could have been one of her father's.

Then he looks away and tells the kunoichi and water-nin to shut up.


She feels slightly guilty not telling Karin of their relationship when their wedding  happened. But has never really had enough time to talk to her since the group constantly disappears and reappears every so often. She knows the feeling of watching someone with a one-sides love.

   She had been watching Gaara for such a long time until the age of sixteen when she saw him smile at another girl, caress her cheek.

   (Name) does feel the glares she gets from the redhead and the malevolent chakra but she says nothing. She doesn't say anything when she feels Karin's chakra tracing their bedroom.

   But eventually, Sasuke asks why she doesn't want to be intimate at night and she blushes. (Name) merely looks in the direction of Karin's room and Sasuke claps his hands— setting numerous genjustu to mess her tracing up before connecting their lips.

  But she feels annoyed and can't take it anymore, so she does one thing:

- Invite the Uzumaki to a spar.


" You could have killed me!"

A pause.

"But I didn't."


She doesn't say anything when Jugo brings birds into the house. Or when she spots the little gifts they left behind on the porch.

  She feels slight irritation but says nothing when her husband is near.

  But a few days later, the gifts never appear and she is greeted by Jugo with a crazed look in his eye. Her husband jumps towards them, only to freeze when the markings disappear and smirks in shock, respect and pride flowing through his chest when he looks at his beautiful wife.

  "I know how to kill." She leaves it at that, disappearing.




  "I know something better." She only smiles when his lips meet hers in the bedroom.


She understands their needs when she's halfway through pregnancy. Karin wants someone to love her, Jugo wants someone to stop him but Suigestu wants Sasuke. The same Sasuke who hates someone in the Akatuski that's always stronger like him. The one who is sealing revenge.

And she feels that she can never trust the man.

She's been there when he suddenly aims his sword at Sasuke, who dodged easily. It seems like it doesn't affect him but she notices the small smirk on his face so she doesn't say anything. Not even when he starts to target her.

She only keeps quiet which seems to edge him on.

  But when she turns around after chopping the vegetables for breakfast and sees his sword next to her son, Hisao's neck with a smirk. She stays quiet.

  But she moves forward.

   Almost immediately, Sasuke bursts into the kitchen, having sensed the sudden killer intent but freezes at the sight he catches. (Name) is facing away from him, their son in her arms, shaking. Suigestu has a bloody face and an arm twisted the wrong way.

  "F*cking.," Suigestu breathes out. "Bitch."

  Sasuke's eyes only narrow at him.

   (Name) sigh, grabbing Sasuke's hand. "I was once in ANBU." She reminds him.

  She reminds him once more. That she is strong.

     And makes him smile even more at her.

This one was slightly longer since I was trying something different. Hope you enjoyed it! Guys, thank you so much!

 Hope you enjoyed it! Guys, thank you so much!

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Thank you soOO much! #1 in Sasukeuchiha

- Yonokia

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