Chapter 20

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Originally Published in 2012

I am getting so sick of this story you guys have no idea, binge writing is not healthy haha....Alright, Song: In the Shadows by the Rasmus, (this song is so awesome!) Oh, and Picture: Quarter-pounder burger from McDonald's... you'll get the point of that later.

Chapter 20

            I woke back up around five a.m. because I suddenly heard the front door burst open. I don't know what I would have preferred, being slapped awake, being thrown cold water at, or being jumped on. But, being woken up with a loud terrifying bang down stairs definitely was not the ideal way to start a morning.

            It actually took me a few seconds to remember where I was and what I was doing here. But thankfully it all came back to me fast enough, which led me to my next question. What the hell is going on? I heard voices down stairs; it wasn't that hard because they weren't exactly quiet.

            "You look upstairs for them" Someone said. "If she's there and does not want to give him up, kill her."

            I don't really know if the "her" there're talking about is me, but I seriously was not going to sit around and find out. Quietly and rapidly I got off my bed and hurried to the half open window to open it completely, once it was, I quickly got out. I gripped my hands at the bottom of the window frame and slowly hoist myself down, my feet were touching the side of the house and it was damn cold. I heard the rushed footsteps going upstairs and tearing what's left of the house apart; I felt kinda sad about it, but I couldn't waste time on that. I looked down; I wasn't up that high, and I'm sure it wouldn't hurt that much if I just let go. It's not like I had much of a choice. Besides, I had jumped off of a bridge once to kill myself, letting go of the window to save my life shouldn't be that hard to do. With that dark humoristic thought it mind, I let go. I got lucky, I landed on the grass in the front lawn right beside the drive way; maybe this was God's way of telling me "I'm sorry for waking you up so terribly, here, let me make your fall hurt less." God has a weird sense of humour.

            At first I wanted to stay down and just lie forever on the grass, but no, I had to get up and run like hell. It was cold as hell. I was pissed like hell. My stomach was hurting like hell. My feet were burning like hell. And I was confused as hell. I was just lucky that no one was outside at this time, because I was running around barefoot with only a small black nightgown, which by the way isn't long enough.

            I hurried to the nearest deep water sector and jumped right in. Something really strange happened then though, as I dove in, without even touching the water, my body had already transformed into mermaid-mode. Strange, very strange.

            The water wasn't much colder than the outside weather, but my body seemed to respond to it better here. My stomach was driving me nuts, but it wasn't my fault that I couldn't have gone down stairs to grab something to eat! I could have been killed for just having the munchies. I just decided to ignore my diva stomach as I struggled to swim back down; the current of the water was bizarrely strong. Well, it wasn't as bad as the day of the hurricane, but it was still powerful. As I swam down, a small voice in the back of my head kept yelling at me that it probably wasn't the best idea to go back to the castle, but I just ignored it.


            "Adara! What are you doing!?" He knew that his fiancée might be mean, but he never really thought of her as the murderous type.

A Mermaid Tale - Book 1 (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now