3 ☓ he's coming

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"I- Uhm..nothing,"
"Ellise..you went yourself here? You remember things?"
"Barely! All I saw was my brother on an operating table, then I stole a syringe, injected it in myself..then I collapsed in the box and now I'm here!"
"Ellise, we have to tell Alby!" he exclaimed with a big smile, "If you're starting to remember, maybe we all will!"
I covered his mouth and shook my head, "Listen to me, I trust you the most, and I don't know if you're going to like what I have to say,"
Minho shut his trap and sat back down on the floor. I sat down beside him and banged my head against the wall.
"I worked for them,"
"For who?"
"The people who sent you here Minho,"
"The Creators?"
"Yeah them, I worked for them, I worked for WICKED, the people who put you here," I groaned, running my hand through my hair, "I sent myself up because they were going to send my brother.." my eyes fluttered closed and I pulled my hands over my face, "I helped build the maze,"
"You remembered all of this through a memory that you got in a dream?" he chuckled, "I think you're going crazy,"
I sighed, "For shucks sake, if you tell anyone what I told you, I will cut off your-"
"Please don't say the P word," Minho begged, covering his ears.
I stifled a laugh, "You don't like the word penis?"
"Ellise!" he whined, shaking his head.
I sighed, "Minho, seriously though, we can't tell anyone, please,"
He looked at me sadly and nodded. The door burst open and there stood Ben, looking at me suspiciously. He stood their for a moment, eyeing me up and down.
"Can't tell anyone what?" he finally asked, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Nothing Ben, just drop it, I'll be out there in a minute and then we can go," Minho repsonded getting up and shoving him out the door.
I stayed on the floor, watching as Minho took of his plain white t-shirt, replacing it with the mint green one from yesterday. I pressed my lips together and took in everything I was seeing. He was fit, buff arms, defined abdomen, his black spikey hair, nice jaw, he had nice brown almond shaped eyes. I liked how cute his Asian features were, they were comforting in some way. I stood up, grabbing my jeans and pulling them on leaving the light blue button up on. I fixed my shoes and then left Minho inside to get changed. I walked down the stairs and paused when I heard people talking about me. I pressed myself against the wall and listen.
"She knows something Alby, they were discussing it! She had a memory!" Ben.
Alby sighed, "Ben.."
"She made Minho promise not to tell, she knows something, something that could get us out of here!" Ben continued to protest.
My breath hitched when someone grabbed my arm from behind. I turned around and saw Minho looking at me with concerned eyes. I looked back at him with pleading ones, pleading and begging that he wouldn't tell. Minho pressed his lips together and walked out towards the boys.
"Minho, Ben said that Ellise knew something about the people that sent us here, do you know anything about it?" I peeked around the corner as Alby spoke.
Minho stared at them both for a moment before exiting the Homestead. I decided to walk out too, glancing at Alby and Ben before leaving as well. I ran up beside Minho and walked with him to Frypan's kitchen, watching Minho as he got ready.
"So you're gone the whole day?" I sighed, leaning against a counter.
Minho looked up at me with a small smile, "I'm sorry El, but yeah,"
Then Frypan walked in, glancing between the two of us before getting to work, a few minutes later a few more cooks had entered.
"Minho, isn't she wearing your shirt?" Frypan chuckled, looking between the both of us again.
Minho nodded, "Yeah she wore it to bed since she didn't have pyjamas,"
"Mhm," Frypan smirked, cutting a carrot.
Minho rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the kitchen and towards a small hut.
"This is the map room," Minho smiled, tapping the hut, "I come here after I've run my section. I have to go get my notepad, I'll be right out,"
"Can't I come in?"
"Runners only, sorry El, I'll be quick," he grinned before slipping inside.
A minute later, a bunch of boys grouped around me, but this wasn't what I expected. I expected boys on their knees begging for the only female in the Glade -me- but nope, these five guys around me were asking for answers.
"We know you know something greenie!" Ben was back again, pointing his finger in my face.
The other boys that I didn't recognise agreed.
"You're a mistake! You're here to ruin everything!"
I shuddered, trying to shrink away.
"Oi!" Minho yelled, storming out of the map room, "Back off!"
Ben looked at me and snickered, "If we don't get it out of you, we'll get it out of him,"
What was that supposed to mean?
I flinched as Ben pointed a finger into my stomach. Ben moved past Minho and into the map room. Minho harshly grabbed my arm and dragged me to the Homestead. He pushed open the door, sending a glare to two boys by the stairs. They moved out of the way at a quick speed and then Minho continued to yank me. He pushed open Alby's room door, interrupting Newt and Alby's conversation. They stared at Minho surprisingly.
"I'm not going out into the maze today," Minho stated, throwing me beside him.
They gave him a puzzled look.
Minho groaned, running his hands through his hair, "I get it, okay? Ellise remembers something-" I shot him a glare and he stopped, looking at me with a guilty expression, "But she doesn't want to share, I know for a fact it's nothing that can get us out. Ben was threatening her Alby, they'll want to get it out of her no matter what, I'm staying. I don't want them touching her,"
Alby sighed, rubbing his forehead, "Listen, I know you're protective over her since she's the only shuck girl, but we won't let them hurt her,"
"I don't care!" Minho roared, "She doesn't trust you! She only trusts me!"
I gripped his arm with one hand, and his chin with the other. I forced him to look at me, making his eyes soften.
"Minho," I said sternly, "Go do your shucking job,"
He groaned in frustration and exited the room. I turned to Newt and Alby who looked at me sadly.
"I'll be your bodyguard then," Newt muttered.


I stumbled on my feet, crashing into Newt who was whacking away at a tree. He wrapped his arms around me and looked at me in concern.
Ellise are you listening to me?
"Thomas," I croaked, digging my nails into Newt's arm.
They're sending me up at the end of the week. I'm coming.
"Thomas no," I cried, stumbling again, making Newt take a step back.
More of the workers, looked over at me and Newt, suspicion in their eyes.
Ellise I love you, don't forget about me.
"Never," was my faint response as my vision started to blur.
I love you sis, I'll see you soon.
"No!" I cried, pushing Newt away from me, "Thomas come back!"
Newt grabbed a hold of me, wrapping his arms around me, bounding my arms, stopping me from thrashing around. Tears starting to escape my eyes, and I continued to scream, swinging my body around trying to get free from Newt. My vision got more blurred, and Newt's face was just a smudge, a moment later I collapsed in his arms.
Ellise, it's going to be okay, we'll get out of there, I know we will. I'm coming.


I wheezed, sitting up right, my eyes wide. I came face to face with Clint who screamed like a little girl, falling back on his butt. Another boy with raven black hair looked from Clint to me, then started to laugh.
"Shut up Jeff, she scared me," Clint sighed, running a hand through his hair.
I glanced from Clint back to the boy I hadn't met, Jeff. Jeff must of seen my expression, because he answered my thoughts immediately.
"You fainted, Newt brang you to us, we're the Med-Jacks, we're like the doctors," Jeff chuckled, before running out the door.
I gave Clint a puzzled look and he just chuckled.
"He's probably going to go get Newt," well I want Minho.
I stayed silent and nodded bitterly.
"Why are you so quiet?" he asked, making me look up in surprise, "We aren't that bad,"
I scowled and didn't respond. A moment later Newt limped his way into the room. Then paused, turning back when he heard shouting.
"Newt, what happened?! You said you'd look after her!" Minho.
Newt sighed, pulling on his hair, "She started talking jibberish then collapsed in my arms,"
I made a disgusted face and Clint started giggling. Minho then entered the room, Newt trailing behind him.
"Minho, he's coming," I whispered, "It didn't work, they're still sending him,"
"Who?" Minho whispered back, sitting beside me.
Newt stared at me suspiciously, just like Ben had earlier. Clint had left the room.
I bit my lip and looked Minho in the eyes before whispering, "Thomas,"

A/N yay another update
Dedicated to: GoldenFangirl39 for being awesome!!!

IN THE END ⇉ [MINHO] ✓Where stories live. Discover now