19 ☓ f.c.b.d.s.p

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Newt didn't question me, I wouldn't be surprised if he saw the whole thing. Newt reassuringly grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the Homestead where Thomas and Teresa were tracing pieces of paper.

"This one says stiff." Thomas muttered.

Teresa nodded, continuing tracing her sheet of paper, pressing her lips into a thin line as she concentrated. Thomas looked up and gave me a faked smile. I frowned, focusing my gaze on Teresa who had looked up.

"Okay this one's push." Teresa sighed, confusion masking her face.

Thomas scrunched up his face, "Then it repeats again."

Teresa groaned pulling at her hair, "Float, catch, bleed, death, stiff, push."

"If you take away the first letters, it doesn't spell anything, even if you rearranged them," I crossed my arms as I chose to speak up, "Maybe we have to enter the words one by one."

Thomas nodded, "Okay, cool."

"Where to we put in this code?" Newt asked me.

"I have no idea." I mumbled, as the Homestead door swung open.

Minho entered with a small grin, "Thomas and I know."

Teresa's eyebrows furrowed, "Where?"

Thomas gasped, "The Griever hole!" he grinned, "There must be a computer or keypad of some sort down there."

"A Griever hole Thomas. Keyword, Grievers. Defenition; slimey, gooey, gross, half bag half murder machine, that likes to kill little Gladers." I snorted rolling my eyes.

Thomas sighed, "But I'm certain, it has to be there."


The whole Glade erupted with intense opinions. No one wanted to leave the safety of the Glade just to see if some theory worked. But the Glade was no longer safe, in less then five hours Grievers would be here. They'd easily pick us off one by one every night if we all stayed.

"We need to leave!" I screamed angrily, "Would you rather die?!"

The whole Glade fell silent.

"No," Winston sighed, "We'd never want to die like this. But what if it doesn't work?"

I glared daggers at him, "You, shut the fuck up," I spat, "Did you think I wanted to die like this? I mean you would of gladly let someone innocent been thrown out with the Grievers earlier, cough, me, but now your life is at risk it's suddenly a big deal to you?"

Winston frowned, "Okay. I'll go."

Some of Winston's Slicers nodded murmuring the same or similar responses.

"Gally would want us to get out of here." a builder sighed, "We'll go as well."
Frypan nodded, "I'm coming."

Three quarters of the Glade shouted agreements. The unsure ones went back inside the Homestead, leaving the rest of us to plan. Minho and Thomas went off to get any weapons they could salvage or find. Newt started giving out instructions, making plans of how we were going to go through. Alby stood by Newt's side warily, uncertainty on the leaders face as his second in command listed off how this was hopefully going to go down. Teresa was helping me stay sane, she stood beside me, with our arms linked, a supportive smile on her face.

I told her what happened with Minho and she sighed and then said, "It's been a rough time for him, for all of us, maybe he just needs time to figure out his own emotions. It's hard to express your feelings when you don't know what's going on yourself."

Chuck stood on my otherside wringing his hands nervously. I sighed, leaving Teresa and Chuck's side, walking towards Newt who was still yelling out simple plans. Newt cut himself off when I joined his side. I grabbed his grubby hand and gave it a short squeeze. Our hands lay limp inbetween us as I began to shout to the Gladers.

"There's no doubt that we'll have to fight at least one Griever!" I yelled, "No doubt there will be some blood spilled!" I swallowed the growing lump in my throat, "No doubt we'll loose a few friends along the way!" I sighed as I said this my slight smile drooping into a frown, "But we can do this, we can get out of this hell!"

People cheered as I finished, making me give the crowd a small smile.

"Thomas, Teresa and Ellise will go down the Griever hole before anyone else. If there are complications with Grievers, we fend them off best we can until the three can enter the code and get us all out! Alright?" Newt ordered as Minho and Thomas passed our weapons.

"Good that!" everyone chorused.

"Good that." I whispered with a small smile.

"Minho do you have anything to say?" Alby barked at the Asian runner who was done passing around weapons.

Minho jogged out of the crowd to Alby's side, "Be careful, don't die."

"We're all bloody inspired." Newt rolled his eyes.

"Let's go then!" someone shouted from the crowd.

Float, catch, bleed, death, stiff, push. Okay. I'm ready.

A/N sorry that it's short and shitty its a weird filler chapter..

THANKS FOR 4K READS BTW?!!! love youuu xo

IN THE END ⇉ [MINHO] ✓Where stories live. Discover now