20 ☓ just a blur

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One second we were all crowded around one of the doors, the next we were running through the vine covered corridors, and then we were frozen. Like someone had picked up and pressed pause on the DVR and now we all just stood, our muscles tensed and our thoughts focused. I knew we weren't actually paused, more like paralysed by the sight down the corridor we needed. More then a dozen Grievers were lined up in front of the cliff. No clicking. No whirring. No hisses. No Ava Paige.

"What are we supposed to do?" Newt muttered, running a hand through his messy hair.

Alby then took a glance, "I wonder if.."

I frowned and pulled him back, forcing him against the wall.

"Alby," I said sternly, "No."

He scrunched up his face in discomfort and I let him go, turning to Newt and Thomas.

"Well we could just cha-"

"Alby you shuckface get back here!" Minho yelled cutting Thomas off short.

I spun around and my eyes widened as Alby ran down the corridor to the Grievers.

Don't do it Alby, come back.

Alby haulted like he had heard my thoughts, he took a glance back at us, then stared back at the deactivated Grievers. I got into a running stance and prepared to run and get Alby. When Alby began to move towards the gang of Grievers I jogged forward. A firm arm caught my waist and slammed me into the wall. I coughed and spluttered as the wind was knocked out of me. I looked down at the two grubby hands that were on my hips, pushing my body into the wall. I clenched my jaw when his breath fanned my neck. I bit my tongue hard when his hair lightly touched the sensitive areas of my neck. The large scream of Alby's pain was cut short as the Grievers growled and hissed, their whirring and clicking beginning. I could pictured their spikes coming out of their blubbury skin and stabbung Alby everywhere. I could picture Minho with his lips pressed into a firm line as he cringed at the sound of his friend being ripped to pieces. I let out a sob and Minho's hands held me tighter.

"Sh," he whispered, "I got you."

"Please don't let me go."

Minho didn't respond, he just sighed. My eyes snapped open and I looked to see each Glader with their eyes closed, cheeks flushed, some shook their heads slowly, some began to cry. Newt beside me was struggling to keep in the whail that was building up inside him. Thomas had Teresa tucked into his body and Chuck had his hands over his face.

Minho pulled his face away from the crook of my neck and sniffled, "Okay, we knew we'd have to fight sooner or later. Looks like it's sooner. Make sure Thomas, Teresa and.." he glanced at me, "Ellise..can get through safely."

I looked to my right to see few more Grievers herding towards us.

"Lets go!" Newt managed to yell without stuttering.

Minho nodded to him and began to move away, his hands slowly pulling away from my body. I grabbed one of his hands suddenly making him freeze. He looked at me with confused eyes. I grabbed his neck and pulled him into me, placing a small kiss on his lips and giving his hand a tight squeeze.

"Be careful, don't die." I whispered, letting his hand slip from my grasp.

My eyes glazed over when Chuck grabbed my hand in his pudgy one.

"Stay close to me, Thomas and Teresa." I ordered, tightening my grip on him.

I looked back to my right to see the other herd of Grievers less then ten metres away. I looked over at my brother who was holding Teresa's hand tightly. He held out his spare hand and I smiled at him, grabbing it.

IN THE END ⇉ [MINHO] ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora