Chapter Nine: Silas

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Freshman Year

"Thanks for walking me home, it's sweet of you." She says as we reach her front door. "You don't always have to do that. I know it's out of your way." I stand in front of her, my fingers roaming up and down her arm. Goosebumps raise under my touch. I love seeing how she reacts to me.

"It's more selfish then sweet. I get to spend more time with you this way." She stares at my mouth as I speak. God, I want to kiss her more then I want air to fill my lungs.

My fingers reach her hand, she tangles her fingers in mine, and she says, "I might get greedy."

"I hope you do." Her gaze moves from our hands up to my eyes. "I'll see you later, Annika."

"Bye, Silas."

When the door closes behind her, my chest sinks as I start to walk home. I should have kissed her. She wanted me to. I want to ball my fist into her curly blonde hair. I want her pressed against me. Her mouth working mine.

I run back to the house. I'm pounding on the door. I'm breathing so hard, and it's not because of the running. My heart is racing.

One of her sisters opens it, and I push past her bolting up the stairs. I can hear her yelling at me, but I don't register what she is saying, I don't care. I have blinders on, and I have one mission, one goal. Annika.

I stop in front of her door.

Breathe... Breathe slower. You can do this. No need to be worried. She wants this too. I take in a deep breath. I calmly knock on her bedroom door while letting that air out.

"Silas. Di—" my hands catch her face, and my lips crash against hers cutting her off. She is stunned at first, making a high pitch squeak sound, but then she melts into me. Her hands go to my hair, holding me tightly to her. I kick her door shut behind us, turning her around and pressing her against it. I pull back to catch my breath, staring into her smiling eyes. "Hi."

"Hey," I kiss her again. This time maneuvering my tongue into her mouth. She moves in sync with me. She breathes soft sighs into my mouth. I love her sounds.

"What does this mean for us?"

"That you're mine." I kiss her nose. "And I'm yours."

She wraps her arms around my neck and I her waist. Our bodies mold and press together. She was made for me. She feels so good pressed against me. "So are we..." she nuzzles her face in my chest. "...a couple?" The sound is muffled in my shirt.

I take her chin between my thumb and pointer finger, forcing her head back against the door so that I can look into the Caribbean pools that are her eyes. "Are you asking me to go steady with you?" I run my thumb over her bottom lip.

"Well, when you say it like that, I sound stup—" I cut her off again with my lips. She is like a drug to me. I could do this for hours. Drink and drink and never get my fill.

"Be nice to my girlfriend; don't call her names." She has the best widest smile I have ever seen on her. "What's with the Cheshire look?"

"You called me your girlfriend. I'm your first girlfriend." Little does she know that she'll be my last one too. She's it for me.


She stares out the window taking it in. I wish that I could open our minds and that I could shove my memories into her. I hope that I knew what she was thinking.

I wish that I had been the one to lose my memories. I was already in love with her. I would have woken up feeling like I won the lottery being married to her.

"So you're a pretty good kisser, huh?"

"You've never complained..."

"What happened after that?" She asks, playing with her engagement ring.

"We made out in your room until we went to dinner."

"You dropped me off after class... that must have been... What... 3 hours?"

"Yep," I remember how puffy and swollen her lips were after. How soon till I get to make her feel that way again? Will kissing her be the trigger? "We still do that every now and again."

"We don't just jump into sex?"

"We don't jump into anything. We like to take our time. Savor each other." I hear how that must sound to her 'virgin' ears. I must sound like such a creep. "Sorry..."

"No, it's okay. I don't want you to hold back. I want you to talk to me the same. As if nothing is different. I don't want you to be weird or act differently around me. I'm weird enough now for the both of us."

"Be nice to my wife; don't call her names." A smile spreads across her lips. Red illuminates her cheeks. This is going to be easier then I thought.

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