Chapter Forth-Six: Annika

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August 2027

"Are you excited for Kindergarten?" Silas asks Bella as we eat bowls of cereal. The boys are camping with Jamie and his kids for a few days. Last her-rah before school starts and all. Bella was not even kind of interested in going.

She shakes her head. "Do you remember the pledge of allegiance?"

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, invisible..."

"Indivisible, not invisible." I correct her.

"How I'm I suppose to rememberize that!" Oh, the English...

"Remember or memorize. Not rememberize."

"...with liberty and justice for all. There. I did it." Good enough. "I gotta pee." She runs to the powder room.

"Maybe one of our parents can watch the girls, and we can go on a date tonight," I say, running my fingers through Zoë's hair. I love family time, but I miss alone time with Silas. He has been putting in a lot of hours because the hospital is building another hospital north of here.

I miss him.

"On a Wednesday? I like how you think, Mrs. Rossi." He takes his bowl to the sink. "I gotta go."

"I love you."

"Love you too." And with that, he's gone. I miss him already. At least I have my girls to keep me company. But soon it will just be Zoë and I.

"Where's dad?" Bella says as she comes out of the powder room.

"Just left."

"I didn't say I love you... WAIT! DADDY!" She runs to the door. "I love my dad... Dad... I LOVE YOU," She yells before even opening the door. I follow as she runs out with Zoë on my hip. "WAIT! DAD! I LOVE YOU, DADDY!" She runs into his legs, wrapping her little arms around him.

"I love you too, sweetie. I got to go to work. I'll see you when I get home."

"Bye!" She runs back inside.

"I'm so hot for you," I say as I press my lips to his.

"Text our parents." He says, taking my left ass cheek in his hand and giving it a hard squeeze. "I want you all to myself for a few hours later."

"Okay, Daddy." He groans, and his nose flares. "See ya!"


"I want dad to come back," Bella says sadly into her cereal.

"I know. Me too, honey." I hate when we are apart for anything amount of time. Eight minutes hurt—eight hours... that's excruciating. And lately, it been more than that. I don't know how some woman go days or weeks or mouths without their husbands. I couldn't do that. "It's sad when he goes to work."

"Ponce!" She yells, going upstairs to look for him. He is getting old. I don't know how many years we will have left with him. He has been such a good cat. He is so patient with the kids, especially Bella. She loves a little too hard.


"Oh, god, don't stop." He says, shoving his hands into my hair. I rub my finger over his prostate. Moving my finger in and out of his ass while I take him in my mouth.

As soon as mom left with the girls, we were on top of each other. I miss him so much. I miss this, us.

He shoots his load down my throat. "Fuck. That that amazing... sit on my face."

I possession myself over his face; he looks hungrily at my pussy as his tongue moves over me in all the ways I like. I grip the headboard for balance. His hands slide up my body, gripping my breasts. I come within seconds when he sucks me into his mouth. "Oh, I love you.  I... oh..."

"I love you too, baby," he says as I sit on his stomach, catching me breath. "Let's go get dinner." I'm starving now. We have been at it for a long while.


"Sounds good to me."


"Thank you for tonight." He says as we park on the street outside my parent's house. "I needed some time just with you. We need to be better about having a date night once a week." I think twice a month is where our goal should start. I can't remember when our last date was.

"I'm not done with you yet." I crawl over the consul. "Wipe it out, man, we are parked outside my parent's house. We ain't got time to dilly dally."

"We need to be fa..." he cuts himself off by sucking in a breath as I lower myself on him.

We move quickly. We took our time earlier; I need to get our daughters to bed. We need to be fast in our pursuit to make up for lost time.

"It's so deep like this baby." Silas grouts as he thrust his hips up. "You feel that?" I nod. "What do you feel?" My vision is gone. I'm come so hard.

"All..." My entire body shakes.

"Every fucking inch of me." He is relentless as he moves up into me. Bitting down on my shoulders as he twitches inside me.


"Me too, baby." He holding me tight to his body. He's buried to the hilt as he comes inside me. "I love that you wear dresses." He says into my neck. "Easy access to this tight, wet pussy."

I bring his lips to mine before getting out of the car. "Stay, I'll get them." I wipe myself with a tissue before going in.

I look at him over my shoulder, and he is laying back panting.

Job well done, Mrs. Rossi.


A little body wiggles between Silas and my sleeping spooning bodies. "Bella, you okay, honey?"

"There's a monster in my room."

"I got it," I say to him. He did it last night.

I tuck her in tightly. "Mommy. What about the monster? Can you put the monster in your room? Daddy will protect you."

Hell yeah, he will protect me. "Sure thing, sweetie." I kiss her little forehead. "Now. Sleep tight, okay? Dad has an early meeting tomorrow and needs to sleep. I love you, Bella girl."

"Okay, I love you too, mommy." I will never grow tired of hearing that. I almost want to ask her to say it again.

I curl back up with Silas only this time chest to chest. "Hmmm. What are you doing, minx?"

"Bella said you would protect me from the monster." He holds me tight to him.

"Hold on tight baby. I'll protect you."

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