Chapter Twenty-Two: Annika

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"Are you seeing anyone?" I ask her as our hair is processing. She redid the red, and I added some highlights on the top.

"I date, but I'm not seeing anyone in particular." She answers. "How's Silas?"

"We are doing really well. I'm falling for him all over again." I know I'm in love with him; I just haven't had the courage to say it out loud. It feels to fast. Too soon.

But we did fall hard and fast the first time, so I shouldn't be too surprised.

"I love that guy. He is the best husband to you."

"He is pretty great." Silas's name pops up on my screen.

The things I'll do for
you when you get
home... brace
yourself sweetness.

Tell me more 😘

I'm gonna make a
fire in the living

Oooo. Yeah?

Then I'm going to
make you some
Hot Coco

I'll watch you drink
it down while you


What next?

I'll clean the dishes.

I love it when you
talk dirty to me 😉

I can't wipe the stupid smile off my face. This man... "Do you and I do stuff like this a lot?"

"Yeah. You really don't have any friends. You have Silas and us."

"What a boring loser I am." I don't want friends. I have everything I need in my family.

"Silas is your best friend and lover rolled in one." Ain't that that truth.

"Are you excited to go to Scotland for the summer?"

"This will be the longest time I'll be away from home. I'm going to miss everyone so much, but yes. I'm super excited."

"How long were you in Japan?"

"Two weeks. It was a quick service trip."

"I guess Silas and I did that in Haiti."

"Yeah, back when y'all were in college."

"It's so weird. Having this big hole in my life. Waking up, and it's just gone." She takes my hand. "I hate that Monica is gone." I also hate how much I cry.

"I know you will get your memories back. Something will trigger it. I just know it."

"Thanks." My hairdresser comes over to us.

"Time to wash you out, Annika. Sofia, you still have 10 minutes."


"Babe your hair!" He exclaims as we walk through the door. I didn't think he would even notice.

"You like it?"

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