Chapter Twenty-Six: Annika

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"I like that one," I say to Silas as we pull into the Ford dealership.

It's an Edge. A green color that reminds me of his eyes. A good mom car without being a minivan. I like it a lot.

"Hi, I'm Max. How can I help you guys?" The salesman comes up to us as we get out of the car.

"We are just looking," Silas says.

"What are you looking for?"

"Crossover or SUV." Silas jerks his thumb over by the Edge. "Can we take that for a spin?"

"Of course. I just need to grab a plate. I'll need to take whoever will be drivings license." I appreciate that he didn't assume it was Silas, although he will be doing all the talking and driving.

We get in and check out the inside while Max screws on a plate.

It has a black leather interior, navigation, XM radio, Bluetooth. It also has USB ports for our charges. Those are the things I notice. Silas speaks car, so he picks up on the more essential things.

He drives and looks over at me. "What do you think?" He asks.

"It's okay." I play it cool so as not to give Max the upper hand, but I love it. I want this car.

We get out and head inside. "What do you really think?" He whispers in my ear.

"I love it," I whisper back.

"Then, we are getting it." He replies. "Max! We want the Edge."

"Great! I'll draw up the paperwork."

At his desk, he pulls out a file full of our paperwork. He starts to talk about payment plans, and I cut him off. "We will be paying cash." Max's eyes go wide as I drop the envelope on the table.


What feels like half a day later, we are done and ready to leave the dealership.

Silas goes stiff as he sees Jamie and Sofia are waiting outside. They met at my house, and she drove him over here so that he can drive the new car back because I still can't drive. "Thanks for coming. I know it's annoying."

"No, it's not a problem, glad to help," Sof says.

"Hey babe, I'm going to ride with Jamie in my new car," I say in a swanky voice.

"See you at home." He curtly says and drives off.

"What got into him?" Jaime asks.

"He was in a weird mood yesterday too... maybe work is just getting to him."

"Are you sure that's it?" Sofia asks a somewhat leading question.

"I mean, I don't know. I haven't asked. But I'm sure it's nothing."

"Hmmm." And with that, she drives off as well.

"Is it a full moon or something? What's with everyone?" I ask Jamie as we get in my car.

"Beats me, man."

As we drive, I connect my phone to the Bluetooth and hit shuffle on the playlist Silas had made me.

"You staying for dinner?" I ask him when we park in the driveway.

"Naw. I got a date, so I got to get home. Later, skater."

"Bye. Thanks again!" He salutes me as he gets in his car and drives off.

Now to find out what's up with Silas. He has been distant the last 24 hours, and he usually is so affectionate. I hope he's okay. I hope I didn't do anything wrong.

He is sitting on the couch surfing through the channels. "Are we okay?" I asked, sitting next to him.

"Of course, we are." He pulls me into his chest, holding me tight to him.

There he is.

"Why would you think otherwise?"

"Last night, you went to bed without me. And you have been distant for the last two days."

"I'm just stress." Good. Well, not good that he is stressed but good that it's not something I did. "I'm better now that I have you in my arms."

"How else can I help?"

"Ask me to tell you a story... about us."

"Tell me about when you took my virginity."

"That was a great night." He repositions us so that he is laying on his back on the couch, head against the armrest. I lay between his legs stomach to stomach, my headrest on his shoulder. "It's was a Sunday in November. Right after Thanksgiving break. We were in your room. You said that you were ready." He draws shapeless patterns on my back. "I ate you out first. I knew you wouldn't cum the first time, and I want you to cum at least once that night. It was a good thing I did because after I was inside you and I felt how tight and warm and wet you were, I lasted maybe 60 seconds." His laughter rumbles in his chest.

"Did it hurt?"

"It hurt the first time for you. The second time it hurt a little, but you were also on top for the first time, and I could get a lot deeper. I didn't last long the second time either, so I had you sit on my face so I could finish you off. The third time it didn't hurt you at all, and I stopped embarrassing myself by coming too soon."

"Did I bleed?"

He nods, "the first time, yeah, but not a lot. You compared it to spotting versus being on a period." I got a clear picture with that comparison. "I love you, Nik." He says into my forehead, and I kiss his neck. I'm just not ready to say it back yet.

"How often did we have sex in college?"

"A few times a week." He says, massaging my scalp. God, that feels good. His large, strong fingers kneading my scalp. He then laughs, "we almost got caught over Christmas break."

"Oh, no."

"Yeah, your mom tried to open the door, but thank god you locked it. We were about halfway through when she was going off on how she needed your help with the pies because my family would be coming over in a few hours." We both giggle at that.

"What position were we in?"

"You were on your stomach with a pillow under your hips. Your legs were closed together, and I straddled your hips, taking you from behind. You had a vibrator that you were laying on. So, between me inside you and that it made it really hard for you, then talk to your mom." My nipples perk with the thought of that. I want him so bad.

"And no one knew we were dating at that point?"

"Nope. I snuck in through the back door early before everyone got up."

I start sucking on his earlobe the way he likes. "Tell me about our wedding day."

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