Chapter Forty-Two: Annika

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December 2018

"We need to leave in 15 minutes to pick up Sofia and Ian at the airport."

"When do they head back to Scotland?"

"January 2nd." I hadn't seen Sof since last summer when she left for her internship. I miss her so much. I'm happy she found love, but I wish she were still in Florida. She's lost so much being in Europe. Like my boys being born, as well as Jamie and Bianca getting married. Bianca is going to pop any second, so hopefully, Sof doesn't miss that.

"I don't know why they want to stay with us. Our kids might keep them up all night."

"Our kids are why she wants to stay with us. She wants to suck up as much aunt time as she can before they go back to Britain." I hope Ian is worth it. She is crazy about him; I'm sure he is great. I just miss her so damn much.

"I hope Bianca pops while she's here. God knows when we will get to see them again."

"I thought that earlier." We have done some traveling, mostly in the Caribbean and Central America, we will just have to make it to the UK. "We will just have to go to Scotland."

"Have they made wedding plans yet?"

"I don't think so. He proposed all of five days ago, so I doubt it." Who knows though what there timeline with being. All I know is that when we Hoffmans find the person we want to spend the rest of our lives with, that's it for us.

Silas and I waited to be done with school to get married, but we were committed since day one.

Jamie and Bianca have a quiet ceremony, like us, just a few months after meeting each other. It was crazy fast; I couldn't have done that. But I guess when you know, you know.

Sofia has been with Ian for a year and a half now. She seems so happy when I FaceTime her.

"Hello?!" Jamie calls out as he comes in.

"Hey." I hand him Kal. "Thanks for watching them. They are feed, bathed, and changed. They will probably need another change, but I'll be back in time to feed them again."

"I'm all set sis. This is great daddy training. Go on."

"Call me if you need anything, I mean it." He nods. I kiss Kal's chubby cheeks. I kneel on the floor next to Ezra and leave kisses all over him, and I can't stop. The giggles and coos melt my heart as I give him love. Ezra reaches up, opening and closing his fist. He wants so badly to be picked up.

"Let's go, baby," Silas says, breaking my motherly trance. I walk with him to the door, and Ezra starts crying. He crawls to us at the door. My chest gets tight. I hate that sound, and I know that the second I pick him up, my little momma's boy will stop crying.


"Let's go," Silas says with sympathetic eyes. "The longer he sees you, the worse it will be." I know he's right. But that doesn't mean I like it. The door closes, and the screams begin.

I lean against the door and give him a pouty lip. "Can I bring him?"

"Sorry, baby, not enough room. We will be home soon, but we gotta go."

"Ugh, that sound kills me."


"I missed you so much." She says as she suffocates me. Her red hair sticks to my chapstick covered lips.

They got in a little early and already have their bags. "I missed you too. I can't wait for you to meet the babies."

"Where are they?" She looks behind me. "You didn't bring them?" I shook my head.

"Jamie is practicing being a dad." I look Ian up and down. He is a good looking guy: Blue eye, dark hair. Strong build. I can see why she stayed in Scotland. "So, this is the man that stole my sister away from me."

"Aye, ma'am. I love her." He rolls his letters as he speaks, especially his r's. "I ken you have two loons?"

He had me till he called my sons loons. Sofia laughs and says, "loon means boy." Oh...

"Yes, Ezra and Kal. You'll love them, they're great." I'm biased, but they are great.

"Have you set a date yet?" Silas asks as we walk to the car.

"Ah dinnae ken." He looks at her.

"No. Not yet. I'm thinking the summer though. I think I want to come here, but I don't know yet."

"Whatever you want, dear. It your day, int it?" I like him. He's smart.

"It's your day too."

"Sure. Sure." We get them loaded in the car. And drive home to my precious baby boys. I count the minutes as we get closer and closer to home. I got to learn to cool my jets, or I'm going to be that mom.

"Are the babies eating, walking, and talking yet?"

"No walking or talking. Ezra crawls and stands if he is holding onto something. Kal is getting close. He will probably start while you're here. Kal is still only on breast milk. Ezra is half food, half milk."

"That's so crazy that you have two boys. And Jamie's about to have twins. Ian, we need to catch up."

"Oh, and yer wheesht." Was that English? "Let's be married first, aye?"

"Who cares. All this talk is making me baby hungry."

"Oi lass."

"You need to speak American. No one but me knows what you're saying."

"Goodness, babe."




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