Basically, Why the Agreement Happened.

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        Maybe I turned deaf or something's inside my ear. I looked at Mom, Dad, the Queen, and Victor with disbelief. Victor has that grim look on his face. Like he was ready to jump on someone and punch them in the face.

        "You and Victor are to be married, Geiyianne."

        I gaped at the elderly in front of us. I felt my ears ringing and my senses shut down automatically. Married? Twenty-one and married? I have no idea that the ticket here in Denmark will cost me my freedom. I know that I shouldn't even be complaining because I would be tied in a very beautiful palace but still! My freedom? Plus, Victor is a royalty. This match seemed impossible.

        "Y-you must be mistaken. I'm not a Princess. Royalty can't marry a commoner..." My words fail me for a moment, still in awe gaping at them, amazed at how they arrived at that deal that they're selling their daughter to these people I only knew for what? Two months or one?

        "You are a princess, Geiyianne. But not right now. You will be when you marry Victor."

        I shook my head in disbelief and I cannot even accept this. I might be a commoner but I still have rights and I will use it. I stood up from my seat and walked towards my Mom.

        "I'm sorry, Mom. I cannot do this. You can't do this to me."

        No one can ever do this to me.

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