The Engagement

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Amalienborg is a majestic place. We were greeted by fine staffs inside the complex. It was beyond my expectations. I will stay in a separate room from my parents. They are three bedrooms away from me.

        I'm staring outside my window. I'm in one the palaces in Amalienborg complex. Its called Moltke's or Christian VII's Palace. There are three other more Palaces inside the complex. This Palace is just used for guests and ceremonial activities.

        I was startled by the three knocks on the door.


        I scuttled to the door and opened it. It was Victor.

        "Hey." I said.

        "Grandmom is seeking our presence. I don't really know why."

        "Until now, I don't know why we went here."

        "I was surprised too. We really have to go. She's been waiting there for hours." He rolls his eyes and I giggle.


        He opened my door further and I went outside. I was behind him to lead the way. We went to another Palace. It was more beautiful than the one we stay in.

        Then later he stopped at an elegant door. The doors were opened by two attendants and I saw Mom, Dad and Queen Victoria. The Queen is wearing her crown. Mom and Dad were formally dressed. I looked down at my attire. Still my back outfit.

        "Oh. They are here. Come. Join us."

        Victor and I looked at each other and we approached them. Victor helped me sit down and he sat beside me.

        The Queen pulled an envelope from a drawer beside her.

        "So maybe now, I'll tell why we are all in here." She took some papers inside and she read it. "Decades before you two were born me and Agatha, your grandmother Geiyianne, had an agreement. Our friendship was very strong and we wanted it to make it stronger. Our families were very close.

        "We both agreed that we wanted to be blood related, too. So we told each other that our grandchildren shall be wed."

        "In short," my mother piped in. "You and Victor will be married."


        Maybe I turned deaf or something's inside my ear. I looked at my Mom, Dad, the Queen and Victor with disbelief. Victor has that grimm look on his face.

        "You and Victor are to be married, Geiyianne."

        One flight to Denmark and I gained a groom?! And a Prince for that matter! I must be dreaming. Not a simple teenage daydream. A horrible nightmare. Why would they want to marry me off with someone whom I don't know that much.

        "You must be mistaken. I'm not a Princess. A royalty can't marry a commoner."

        "You are a princess, Geiyianne. But not right now. You will be when you marry Victor."

        Holy macaroons.

        I'll be entering a serious war.

        Victor stood up. "Grandmother, my marriage is not yours to be dictated! My parents and I agreed that I will be the one to pick my wife!"

        "Victor, your parents have no knowledge of this agreement."

        "Why was this Royal Agreement popped out now? Why didn't you tell my Mother and Father?"

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