The Flight to Denmark

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  • Dedicado a Em Em Racho

I lost weight. I haven't eaten very much. I'm home. I'm starting my hands-on training in the hospital. It was a week since I got discharged from the hospital. The doctors made me stay in the hospital for another three days. They didn't find any damages in those days, so I got discharged. What sucks is my mom and dad became more careful now. Why the fuss? If it's my time to go then go. I don't want to be such a burden to my parents. They kept on treating me like a glass. Almost broken glass. Even if I don't want to be caged in such situation, I was. It wasn't even my fault. Mom and Dad won't tell me what happened before 'that' incident.

        I was on my way to the dark room to get the X-Ray films from the Radiology Trainees. Paige and Jamie where partners in the Cardio Section. Me and Victor were in the Pediatric Section.The kids need some vaccination for the chicken poxes and other diseases. 

        Victor was very helpful with the children. He was so careful with them. I could see he really likes to be around children. I smile fondly on that idea.

        "Here you go, Geiyianne. those kids are pretty healthy." Amanda said while giving me the film envelopes.

        "Thanks, Amanda. And the pelvic x-rays?”

        “They're still printing, Gei. Send that to Doctor Murphy. She’ll handle that.”

        I nodded. “Okay. Thanks again, Amanda.”

        I walked away and went downstairs to give there to Dr. Murphy. She's a radiologic doctor and surgeon. She fixed my broken ribs and other broken bones when that accident happened. Thankfully, she was there to save me.

        I knocked three times on Dr. Murphy's door and her attendant answered it for her.

        “Gei! Victor was here earlier. He was waiting for the bone marrow samples.” Melly said.

        “Oh. He’s maybe in the laboratory now. I’ll check on him.” I handed her the X-Ray films and smiled at her. “Tell Dr. Murphy I dropped by.”

        “Of course, Gei. Ba-bye!”


        I jogged to the laboratory to meet Victor there. When I got there, I saw him opening a Tirril Burner. I took my lab gown and my goggles and face mask.

        “Hey.” Victor greeted me.

        “Hey. What's up?”

        “Gonna see what's wrong on this Bone Marrow sample Melly gave me.”

        “Oh. I’ll help you with that.” I turned to get the microscope and the small plates when Victor called me.



        “Your mom called earlier. I didn’t answer it because it will be too rude to take a call not meant for me. Call her back.”

        Why did she call? “Oh. Alright. Thanks for telling me, Victor. I’ll call her. Will you be okay here?”

        “Is there someone who wants to harm me here? And I’m alone. I’m fine.”

        Good point. I gave him a small smile and went to the locker room. I dialed fast and it took two rings for me mom to pick up the phone.

        “Why'd you call, Mom?” I said without saying 'Hi'

        “You have to go home now, honey. We will go to Denmark now.”

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