The Royal Agreement

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Kongeriget Danmark

Amalienborg Complex, Copenhagen

The Royal Agreement

This agreement was made on the 5th day of February, exactly nine days before the marriage of two individuals, His Royal Highness Crown Prince (Hans Kongelige Højhed Kronprins) Victor Edvarck Frederik Crisford and Her Royal Highness Crown Princess (Hendes Kongelige Højhed Kronprinsesse) Geiyianne Seraphine Rivardacci Morgan. This agreement was made because of their impending situation a loveless marriage.

This Agreement has been divided into Articles and Sections stating what they must and must not do during their marriage.

The Public Image of The Royal Couple

(A). The Royal Couple must act like a natural couple who decided to marry with the reason of loving each other. If not done, the international image of the marriage will be in depths.

(B). The couple has to do the usual romantic gestures of an ‘in love’ couple (e.g. holding hands, public kisses, endearment usage etc.)

(C). The couple must not broadcast their tensions to the public, it would only ruin the good Royal Family Name.
The Private Lives of the Couple

(A). The couple is allowed to continue their private lives within the Amalienborg complex. The Royal Family have no knowledge of this Agreement but they understand the couple’s situation; their Loveless Marriage.

(B). The two parties have no rights to invade the privacy of his/ her partner. They should always exclude themselves from each other if wanted. If ever they wanted each other’s company, it is permissible but never cross borders of their privacy.
This agreement exists only between the couple. The family and the staffs have no knowledge of this agreement. This agreement is invisible in their private lives.
This is a promise that is best to be kept untold.
Any sign of ‘Love’ between the couple is recognized but this agreement still remains

(A). If the Princess Geiyianne bears a child, ordered or not, the child will remain in the Princess’ custody for twenty (20) years.

(B). At the age of twenty-one (21) the next heir to the throne born by the Princess, the heir/heiress must return to the Prince Victor’s custody and do his/her duty as the rightful successor to the throne.
This marriage will only last for five (5) years.

Without any further ado, this ‘Agreement’ between the Royal Couple is hereby implemented on this 5th day of February, onwards.

Signed By:

Hans Kongelige Højhed Kronprins

Victor Crisford

Hendes Kongelige Højhed Kronprinsesse

Geiyianne Morgan

Note: I made that agreement screen shot to make it more formal. :) sorry for the slow update.  The Hans Kongelige Højhed Kronprins means His Royal Highness Crown Prince and Hendes Kongelige Højhed Kronprinsesse means Her Royal Highness Crown Princess. The correct format of the agreement is in the screen shot.

Thanks for Reading! I'll update as soon as I can :)

Salma :*

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