The First Day

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I went down without calling Mom from the intercom. I was still confused on what happened in my dressing room. Probably they would ask why I didn't call them, but could they blame me if I was scared to reach the intercom? Or probably they'll ask why I didn't shout?

        I went out of the Palace and head to the reception. Mom and Dad are talking to Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit. Victor was in the table of the Duchess of Cornwall. I'm still stunned on what happened earlier.

        "Geiyianne? Where did you get that?"

        I looked up and saw Queen Victoria eyeing the tiara on my hand.

        "Uh... this is f-from a m-man."

        She held my cheek and the other one. "My goodness, Geiyianne, you're stunned. What happened?!"

        "I-I... ah... that man in my Quarters."

        "What man?" She spoke to me softly. Like a scared child. "Could you describe him, dear?"

        I'm now breathing deeply. I think I can't breathe. Queen Victoria shook me gently. "Geiyianne, please. Tell me."


        On the Queen right was Victor. He looked at me warily. Then he looked down on the tiara. "Who gave you that, Geiyianne?" He asked.

        "A man in her Quarters," the Queen told him in my place. She called a guard and asked him to look for a footage on who was the man in my Quarters.

        Victor saw the card under my tiara and took it. "For the Crown Princess of Italy, Your Mother and Father must be happy to have you married. Open your present and I'm wishing to see you wear this when we meet again." He looked me in the eye and caresssed my cheek. "Who is Ri Gu?"

        I shook my head slowly still stunned.

        "Geiyiane! Geiyianne, what happened?!"

        The new comers were my Mom and Dad. Mom took the tiara from me and eyed it. She whispered something to my Dad and he shook his head. What were they talking about?

        "Who gave you this, Geiyianne?" Dad asked. Victor came to me and held my waist.

        "A tall man in black military uniform. He has a mustache that's curled at the ends. He has green eyes and he has a creepy tone when he spoke." I don't know how I managed to describe him. "He told me he was your confidante when you were in my age, Mom."

        Mom gasped and my father rubbed her arms.

        "Do you know him, Mom?"

        She doesn't know what to do. She was stammering and she hand the tiara to my Dad.

        Instead of my Mom, Dad answered me. "He is none of the consequence, Geiyianne."

        "He is creeping me out earlier, Dad. Then he is none of the consequence? What does Ri-Gu means, Dad? I have the right to know."

       "He is none of your business, Geiyianne. Enough of this." I heard a tone of resignation from Dad. Not even the resigned tone but also the authorative tone he used when he's talking to the personnel in the Palace.

       "He even told me Mom's name isn't Geraldine. It was Geraldina. He sounds serious. And he's Italian. Have I no right to know if he says the truth?"

       I was surprised when Mom held my wrists and dragged me inside the Palace. I was shocked when Mom threw my hand down hard. She's mad.

       "Please, Geiyianne. Let this go for now and we will talk once this is all over. I know you are stunned. So am I and your Dad. I don't want to talk about this for now."

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