Chapter Two

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While I was walking home when I saw a lined-up parade of cars in front of the house. I cautiously walked inside. I wonder why these cars are here. They don't look like loan sharks. I don't have any idea that Mom and Dad grasped to loan sharks but still, I walked inside. I was still debating to myself what kind of people were those cars were carrying. I guess they're VVIP? Who knows. I'm debating also the financial status of my family, well my Dad is working for an Italian company and he has a steady job even though I don't actually know what kind of job he has.

        Well, Mom... She's Mom. She's just a housewife but I know she is working for the Italian Embassy here while she's at home. She's sometimes gone for work but most of the time, she's home making the house, home. Before I marched inside the house, I heard laughter inside the house. I pressed my lips and then slowly walked inside.

        The stairs were saying Hi to me and the living room on my left is screaming with laughter. I tiptoed my way to the stair but ended up being called by my Dad. My head jerked to the left and I was greeted by the sight of my Mom, Dad and some elegant person who was wearing a blue velvet dress. She was old enough to be my grandmother but her beauty still flashes from her face and I am in wonder who is this lady here sitting on my couch.

        "Geiyianne, I didn't know you were home, come here honey pay respect to our guest," Dad said.

        I awkwardly walked inside the living area and then stopped just right in the middle of Mom and Dad. The lady there sat with grace, all neat, a pair of white gloves sitting on her lap and a golden purse placed safely beside her. She was giving off the aura like she in on the top of something, more like how I see royalty on television. Her eyes were blue and they were very warm and he lips curled into a smile of familiarity.

        "Uhm... good afternoon," I squeaked. "I'm Gei—"

        "Oh dear," she cut me off. "I know you very well. You're probably wondering who I am. I'm Victoria, your parents are very close friends of mine."

        I almost tripped my way to her just to shake her hands and kissed both of her cheeks. "Nice meeting you."

        "How old are you already, Geiyianne?"

        "I'm almost twenty-one."

        "Ah... same as my grandson. You should meet him. I have a feeling that you both might go very well together."

        "Uh... sure."

        I walked in the middle of Mom and Dad again. I'm in this awkward situation that I very much need to exit this meeting at once. I bent down to my Mom before she says anything.

        "I need to do homework now, Mom."

        "Oh honey, can't you stay?"

        "Uhm, I have this feeling that it would be very awkward, can I?"

        She nodded and I tapped Dad's shoulder. I nodded to Victoria and before I turned right to the stairs, I heard them continue their conversation.

       "It was really a good decision to visit you, Geraldine, Kriss. After so many years, Geiyianne is a sight, a beautiful blooming lady. She grew up so fast. Very gorgeous, she is."

        My mom giggled, "But how about Victor? He's here, right?"

        "Oh, yes. He transferred schools. He wanted to see how..."

        I realized I was eavesdropping and it was impolite. So, I ran upstairs to my room and dumped my bag on 'the chair' then throwing myself on my bed. My alibi was my homework when I really had no homework to do because I already did it during vacant hours. I reached for my phone and saw that Victor messaged me. He took my number earlier because apparently, he's going to be my partner for a year. Not for the semester.

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