Merry Christmas :)

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Since its Christmas now, well here in my country it’s midnight here, I’ll be sharing one of Geiyianne’s Christmas from her past that is not remembered.


Victor’s Point of View

The royal staffs had already finished making the whole Amalienborg Complex in its Christmas spirit. Since in the middle of the complex is a statue, the Christmas tree was placed in the middle of four Palaces here in the complex. I’m very much happy that it is already Christmas. And I’m happier because Geiyianne chose to celebrate the holidays here in Denmark. Grandmother was very happy, too.

        They are very good friends with the Italian royal family. But Geiyianne doesn’t know that she’s a Princess yet. I’m already fifteen and Geiyianne is fifteen, too. She is my girlfriend and Grandmom told me that it is okay that she is my girlfriend.

        I love her so so much.


        Geiyianne! I turned around and saw my Princess climbing down the royal service and she ran to me. I hugged her tight and she nuzzled my neck.

        “You’re scent is always immaculate, Victor.” She said, her voice muffled because of her nuzzle.

        “Well you smell much more, Gei.”

        She playfully slapped my shoulder and let me go. I smiled to her and offered my arm to her. She accepted it and we walk to meet Queen Geraldina and King Christiano.

        They don’t use their real names now. They are hiding from the current Italian ruler. I learned that Queen Agatha, the mother of Queen Geraldina, will be killed if the King and Queen will return to Italy. That’s why they are scared to return. But I know that Uncle Kriss is doing whatever he could just to gain many followers from around the world to save their country. Denmark and the other powerful countries are their allies and we are just waiting for Uncle Kriss’ signal.

        “Uncle Kriss, Auntie Geraldine.” I smiled to them and I kiss Auntie’s cheeks and Uncle Kriss patted my back.

        “Geiyianne go with Victor now. The Queen is probably waiting for our arrival. Go on now.” Auntie Geraldine urged us inside.

        I held Geiyianne’s hand and pulled her inside the Palace. Grandmom was waiting for us inside and she was holding two sweaters. It wasn’t snowing yet but it was cold outside. I’m warm here with my thick leather jacket and now that Geiyianne is here I could consider myself warm. All I need is Geiyianne.

“Merry Christmas, everybody!”

        I raised my glass and nodded to everybody here in the Palace Pavilion. I held Geiyianne’s hand and kissed it.

        Grandmom stood up too and placed a cheer to us. “For the future King and Queen of Denmark!”

        I saw Geiyianne flushed and she just smiled to her parents and she smiled beautifully to me. Our relatives agree to our relationship and they are hoping that our relationship will step into the marriage level. Since Geiyianne is a royalty, the Parliament won’t counter my decision to marry Geiyianne. I know that it is so soon to think about marriages but our parents were pushing this.

        “Yes!” Auntie Geraldine agreed to Grandmom’s toast. Uncle Kriss just looked at Geiyianne with paternal worry. I suddenly recall the conversation I overhead between my Grandmom and Auntie Geraldine just two days ago.

        “What about your wish and my Mother’s, Victoria?”

        “Oh yes. I recall Geraldina. I would like to push it through. Victor and Geiyianne will make a great couple and Agatha will love it.”

        “Won’t Geiyianne and Victor be surprised on your wish? And by letting them think that it is my Mother’s death wish even though my Mother is still alive and kicking.”

        Grandmom paused for some moments. “We both know that. But Agatha made this arrangement. I was thrilled by this so I agreed.” I could imagine my Grandmom smiling with that thought.

        “So this arrangement is...?”

        “Is recognized by the Parliament. Italian and Danish Parliament.”

        Auntie Geraldine sighed.

        “Well it is up for Victor and Geiyianne if they would agree.”

        “What if my daughter wouldn’t agree?”

        “Then...” Grandmom paused for a while. “Let’s deal with that when time comes.”


“Victor? Penny for your thoughts?”

        I look down to Geiyianne who was gaping at me. I sat down and squeezed her hand. “Nothing, Gei. They are fussing about the marriage mishaps again.”

        “Well, don’t blame them. I think they’re just looking forward for a future with the two of us.”

        I smiled to her and kissed her cheek. She doesn’t want to have her lips kissed yet. It’s okay. I don’t want to rush to that stage yet.

        “Just enjoy the holidays, Victor.”

        I was surprised when her soft lips brushed on mine. My eyes widen and she blushed.

        “Merry Christmas, darling. I love you.”

        My heart swelled and I kissed the tip of her nose. “I love you, more, Geiyianne.”

        “I love you most.”

Well that’s just it for today, guys. I couldn’t place a current Christmas scene in the story because of the time frame of the story. Hope you keep reading my story even if it’s kinda hard to understand. J Merry Christmas, guys. :* Enjoy your holidays.


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