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Victor's Thoughts.


All i feel was pain. Pain everywhere. The most painful part was my heart. It was taken away when they got Geiyianne. And I haven't got the chance to fight her back. I was too weak.

I looked around and darkness was all I see. I tried standing up and even if I feel this piercing pain and I wanted to give up. I simply couldn't. I walked and a shot on my left waist part pierced painfully. I clutched it and I felt it was wet. I looked down and saw a black shadow on my cream polo shirt. I was shot. I never mind the pain it was causing me.

It was very cold and I only have this shirt to wear and jeans and leather shoes. I have no jewellery on me and even money. It was probably snatched by my capturers. I don't have a phone with me to call for help. All I could probably do now is to walk and look for help on my own.

After walking for some minutes not much but enough to find me a road that was not abandoned, there were vehicles come and go. I tried to put my right arm up to signal for help. I felt pain striking again and I clutched my wound tighter. My capturers will pay on what happened to me. I can't even think of being a Prince of Denmark right now. All I could think is about Geiyianne and the pain I am enduring right now.

The pain hasn't stopped until now. I felt it being more painful than ever. I was screaming and I fell on my knees. I felt like it was cutting through my muscles and it was very piercing. I clutched my wound again and again: I really can't control the pain. It was too horrible.

Moments later, while I was on the concrete ground screaming like a pig, a light shone upon me and it came from a car. I think I am saved.

"Ah min, du fattig dreng..."

It was an old lady's voice. I looked up and saw a Danish native old lady. She approached me and crouched down at my level.

"Hvad skete der med dig?" (What happened to you?)

"Jeg er skudt af ukendte mænd." (I am shot by unknown men.)

I think she doesn't recognize me but: What the hell? I don't want to risk her life on revealing who I am.

"Oh nej. Jeg skal hjælpe. Kunne du stå?" (Oh no. I should help. Could you stand?)

"Jeg tror jeg kunne." (I think I could.)

She almost got me to help stand up but I never mind her offer. She's old and weak. How disrespectful am I to just let her carry me weight.

"Jeg fik det." (I got it.)

She nodded and I walked slowly. She was on my side while I was crippling to her car. She was very nice. She opened the car door and helped me inside. I slipped in the car and thanked her for helping. Beside me was a basket and there was a sleeping baby in the basket. It was a baby cradler. The woman got in the car and she gave me a clean cloth.

"Brug dette til at rense din sår." (Use this to clean your wound.)

"Tak. Jeg kan vide, hvem jeg skylder taknemmelighed?" (Thank you. May I know whom I owe the gratitude?"

"Du kan kalde mig, Nuanna." (You could call me Nuanna.)

"Tak. Jeg ville være taknemmelig for din hjæalp, Nuanna." (Thank you. I should be grateful for your help, Nuanna."

I wrapped the long cloth around my waist and I knotted it tightly so it would help the bleeding to stop. Nuanna kept on driving and I saw a road sign that I am in still in Copenhagen. But I am too far from the complex. I should easily be found here.

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