First Date

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I shook my head. "Not okay."

Victor pulled me from the bench and he tugged my poor arm. I swatted his arm but he kept on tugging it.

Me and Victor were in the middle of the complex. Just nine days before our wedding. My wedding dress will be brought here by my personal designer; Eduardo Perrocci. He's Italian but he works for the Danish royalty. There was a long story behind this 'Working for Denmark' thing. He told me that story and I felt really bad after hearing it.

We finally made the agreement. Yes! We did. We talked about it and Victor supplied the paper for it. We spent the whole day yesterday working on that. He rescued me again from my lessons. He's just my Prince in Shining Armor.

Now here we are in the middle of the complex. He wants me to go inside the Palace he was going to teach me fencing. I love that idea of learning how to fence but right now, my body isn't cooperating. I had standing and posture lessons from the Queen, she made me stand with three thick books on top of my head for an hour! No moving. Then she taught me the proper seating, the fan holding, the hand waving, the proper dining table utensils to use for a meal.

Tomorrow, they will have a presscon for our engagement. The Queen has announced our Royal Engagement and told the citizens to wait for the wedding.

"Geiyianne." Victor pulled my arm again and I sag on the bench. Pretending to wither.

"Could I please rest, Victor?"

"Oh. I want to teach you fencing." He said. He freed my poor arm and sat beside me. "Your Highness, are you that tired?"

I nodded with a pout.

"Oh. Let's just enjoy ourselves here. We have a great weather today."

I felt my body relaxing. "Yes, that sounds great."

"Tomorrow will be the Presscon," Victor said after a while. "I believe you have not told Paige and Jamie about our engagement."

Oh no! I totally forgot about them. Oh. What to do? I stood up and felt like I betrayed them.

"Victor, do I need to tell them?" I ask him.

"Why are you asking me, Gei? Its your decision." He replied in a calmed tone.

"How come you are calm and cool all the way when all of these things happen to us?"

"I am trained to have this straight face, Geiyianne. We shouldn't be affected on many things. Or we would loose our image. But behind our cool dispositions, is a raging heart that wants change. I would want to become a change if I become the King of Denmark."

I look at Victor with awe. I'm so amazed that he thinks of change in his country. I'm thinking he would become a great King someday. Now, would I be a great Queen to them?

I still have no knowledge about how the country runs, the Queen told me that I would be taking lessons on that. They enrolled me to a new medical school here in Denmark. The best one here. I'm going with Victor there then we will be taking Masterals on Politics and Economics.

Victor will take those lessons wider than my lessons. I will just be a Queen Consort. Wife of the King. I would have responsibilites very differently from Victor. But I could help him in his duties.

See? At least I learned something from Queen Victoria's teachings. I feel proud of myself.

"Gei, what really happened to you that time you were brought to the hospital?"

My eyes popped out. I didn't expect that question from him. And then I thought, I haven't had any headaches since then. But my brain functions perfectly. Amazing.

Well, if he's going to be my husband, I need to tell him. "You know that accident that happened to me, right?" He nodded. I still don't know how he knew that incident. "I had that cerebral trauma. I had that internal bleeding in my skull and that trauma triggered my amnesia. I don't know who I am." He gave me a look of disbelief. I sniggered at him. "Yeah, its true. I don't know my name and the rest.

"I woke up and saw Mom crying beside me. I asked her who she is, she weeped harder. I asked who I was, then cried even more. That meant I didn't know who I really was. Mom and Dad enlightened me who I was and the people around me. While they're helping me remember, I'm suffering this headaches. Whenever a memory comes back to me, this headache like it would kill comes too. As much as possible, I don't over think things. Sometimes, that memories come involuntarily."

"That last time?"

"When you came?"

He nodded.

"I saw this photo in my room. I didn't pay attention to that photo. The boy there was familiar but I can't put it into place. Then Queen Victo-I mean, Grandmom." Victor's brows clashed. "Yeah, yeah. She told me to call her 'Grandmom' I was surprised, even. But she told me to call her that wa-"

I stopped talking when I heard a trumpet playing. I looked at Victor and he stood up.

He held his hand to me. "Eduardo's here. He must have brought your dress and my uniform."

"Your Highness!"

We both rolled our eyes and laughed. I took Victor's hand and we walked together.

We stopped in front of Vanjergit, the Royal Attendant. He bowed to us and we did too.

"Your Highnesses, Mr. Eduardo Perrocci is here. The Queen seeks your presence immediately."

Victor smiled at him. He whispered something to Vanjergit but I heard it.

"You ruined our date, Vanjergit. Please remind us of your presence so we have prepared."

Vanjergit was left with his mouth open.

Note *again*

Classes have started right now and I'll be so busy this second semester.  I'll be making slow updates :( but I'll be updating very soon. I'm so so sorry please understand.

Salma :*

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