08 ~ Bruises and scars

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I woke up, feeling pain all over my body. 

I groaned, and tried to get up, but I was still tied. 

There was a huge, bright light making me squint my eyes.

I had a huge headache, and there was pain all over my body.

I look down at my body and I gasp, tearing up.

My sleeves are rolled up, and have scars with dried blood on them!

Including lots of bruises.

When I move a little, it results in a lot of pain. I look at my legs, and they're covered in bruises as well!

When I looked up, I saw that JJ had his phone out.

Is he filming me?!

"This is what you get for what you did - Your son hurting, because of me, because of what I've done to him! If you think this is bad, then I want to let you know that this is only the beginning."

What is he talking about?-

Or maybe I should ask who he's talking to...

He said "your son"-

He could only be talking about my dad, my mom isn't involved in any of this- or I hope she isn't...

It was at this moment I realized.. My parents never told me what they work as...

I remember asking them, but they always said it didn't matter as long as we had money...

I don't know what conclusion I was coming to, but I shook my head.

It's probably just a normal job, and I'm worrying for nothing!

I was going to yell for him to save me, that I was kidnapped by a psycho, but I realized that I had duct tape covering my mouth.

Tears began to run down my cheeks as I began to feel hopeless.


Please come and save me...

I need you...

He put his phone down and smirked.

"You look so miserable!" He said, followed by a maniac-laugh.

Since my mouth was covered, I couldn't say anything, obviously.

He walked over to me and lifted up my chin.

"Oh, why are you so sad?" He chuckles as he wipes away my tears.

I turned my face away from him, and gave him the best death stare I could do.

Please don't kill me for that

"Simon is suddenly fearless, or are you?" He growled into my ear with a smirk.

I look at him in silence, still having the death stare on my face.

He untied me, and I was going to kick him and attempt to escape, but the quickly grabbed my wrists.

I groaned in pain, shaking to get out of his grip.

"Stop trying to escape, I'm 10 times stronger than you!" He laughed and pulled me up the stairs, and out of the creepy basement.

We walked into the bedroom, and he threw me inside.

He quickly tied my wrists before leaving, and locking the door after him.

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