A ranger appears, a sky high problem arises

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Right now, everyone was watching Ash as he tried his second time at catching an Alola Pokemon.

"Grubbin, the Larva Pokemon. A Bug type, Grubbin scrapes trees with its large jaws and drinks their sap. It makes its home underground. Ash! Did you hear that?" Rotom asked him.

" Sure did. Got it covered, Rotom!" Ash assured as Gubbin used string shot. " Pikachu jump up!" Pikachu jumped, missing the string shot that almost hit Ash. "Alright, use thunderbolt!" The attack hit the Gurbbin directly. The Gurbbin was heavily damaged as Ash threw a Pokeball at it. Gurbbin went into the Pokeball  as everyone waited to see if Grubbin would stay in there.

" Will he catch it?" Kaiwe asked while watching.

" Who knows?" Y/n said as Grubbin popped out of the Pokeball and dug straight into the ground. " That's disappointing."

 " Too bad." Mallow said in disappointment.

"He was so close." Lana said as she slumped her shoulders. The wild Gurbbin then started digging around until coming to a stop.

" Quick Pikachu, aim where Grubbin is about to come out and then use quick attack!" Pikachu got ready when Grubbin would come out of the ground. Everyone watched intently for that moment when all of the sudden the ground behind Y/n and the others exploded.  The wild Grubbin jumped out of the hole causing Lilie to scream in fear as she hid behind Y/n and Mallow.

"You sure know how to get scared." Mallow said with a sheepish smile.

"I'm not scared." Lilie said trying to put on a brave act.

 "You could've fooled me." Y/n said sarcastically.

"I'm not!" Lilie restated. " I love to research Pokemon! It's just i..." She's inteupted by thr battle continuing  as Pikachu used quick attack to get closer to Grubbin. Grubbin used string shot, forcing all of them to dodge them or be hit. Grubbin eventually caught Pikachu by the leg.

"Pikachu!" Ash called out worried.

"Watch out for it's powerful jaws!" Rotom warns as Grubbin closes in on Pikachu. Pikachu dodges getting clamped down by turning its body to the side. Grubbin instead hit Pikachu in the face with on of its pincers. Grubbin then flew pass Pikachu then buried itself back underground and escaping.

"Pikachu! Are you okay?" Ash asked while rushing to Pikachu's side. Ash picks up Pikachu while everyone looks worried about him.

"I'm so sorry." Lilie apologizes about what happend.

" I'll take you to the Pokemon center now!" Mallow offers.

" A Pokemon center would me great, so lead the way Mallow." Ash said, accepting Mallow's offer. And don't you worry Lillie."

"And Ash, we'll go back to school and tell Professor Kukui what happened all right?" Kaiwe told him.

" Thanks Kaiwe ." Ash said as he and Mallow ran to the nearest Pokemon center.

"Actually, i need to meet up with a old friend of mine at Poni island." Y/n said surprising the others.

" At Poni island? Who and why?" Kaiwe asked.

" This friend of mine is a Pokemon ranger, who says there's something in Poni that's a little off." Y/n explained. " She's also the one who gave me Manaphy's egg. 

Y/n called out Genesect who changes into his  fleet mode before getting on. " Tell the others i won't be back for a few hours." Y/n said as Genesect get's ready to leave.

" We will, be careful." Lilie said as Genesect took off.

  One hour later

Y/n reached Poni island's Pokemon center in about a hour, he then got off Genesect before returning him.

Y/n alola adventureWhere stories live. Discover now