Author's Note

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A small note before I begin:

A friend recently introduced me to the style of cellphone novels so this is my first try with it! I thought it would be appropriate because my rsi prevents me from writing long prose now, and hopefully it's a good experiment as well. Basically, it's a style of writing with short, spaced out prose. I'm only loosely following the style, so some chapters might be slightly longer.

I've always wanted to write a romance fueled by infatuation, turning dark and destructive over the course of the story. The pilot was written as a challenge, which I've since decided to expand on.

I won't spoil too much of the story, but it's heavily inspired by Quentin Taratino's True Romance (Explicit), and will contain depictions of crime, violence and suggestive sexual content. I'll add a note for content warnings before each chapter, and may change up the rating if required.

I hope you'll enjoy this story!


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