05: Charm

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They say that when you fall in love
The ones that go slow last the longest
And the ones that fall hard and fast
Always burn.

Jason doesn't know how he feels about Sadie.
He wants to know her.
He wants to know if she likes B-grade action flicks or cliche romances.
He wants to know if she's scared of driving fast or if she likes the thrill.

But he won't know.
He won't get to know, because Scotty is calling the cops.

They're trying to help her, of course.
She's a twenty something year-old
Without a wallet, an ID, a home.
She won't say why, and Scotty's worried something is wrong with her.

"They'll take her somewhere safe," he says to Jason.
"We won't know what to do with her."

Then as Scotty speaks to the police,
Sadie touches Jason's arm.
"Jay, I'll tell you the truth."
He turns to her, heart pounding.

"I ran away from home. Please don't call the cops."

Something strange happens.
Jason sees something in her eyes.
He'll never say what,
But he grabs the phone from Scotty and shuts off the call.

"What the fuck, man?" Scotty stares, incredulous.

"Sorry," Jason says. "We have to go."

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