06: Running away

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The band argues.
Scotty thinks Jason is being stupid.
Chris thinks he's whipped.
Nolan thinks they're back in LA, so it doesn't matter.

"Look," Nolan says. "We finished our last show.
They can do whatever they want."
"Oh of course you don't care!"
Scotty throws his hands in the air.
"You don't care about recording deadlines, you don't care about—"

Amidst the chaos
Jason, guitarist of Young Bandits, disappears with Sadie.

They're holding hands,
The afternoon bus empty except for them.
Jason had taken his guitar,
But he had nothing except his wallet.

He could take her back to his place
A small, one-room apartment downtown.
She could live until she got tired of him.

"Jay, will you come somewhere with me?"
Sadie says suddenly.
"Where?" Jason looks at her.

"I left something important behind when I ran away.
I was too scared to go back to get it but
Will you come with me?"

"Of course."
Jason squeezes her hand and she smiles back.

He didn't mind her leading him.
Somewhere in his heart,
He knew he would follow her wherever it was.

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