15: Nostalgia

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Jason woke up remembering that
A long time ago, he had loved Nolan Young.
He turned to his right, seeing
A girl with red hair splayed across the pillows, Sadie Hart.

Maybe, love was a spell.

For some reason, the thought disturbed him.
Instead of dwelling on it, Jason turns on the television.

He saw himself.

Young Bandits at the LA summer music festival.
The camera focused on Nolan's handsome face, his blonde hair tied back.
Jason in his usual plain black tee, performing his solo.

Was that his dream?
Jason leaned toward the screen.

Then, Sadie wakes up.

"Is that you?" she asks, pushing her hair back.
"It's the summer music festival," Jason supplies. "Sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, I was getting up anyway."
Sadie says, walking over to Jason.
She sits down beside him, resting her head against his shoulder. 

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