11: Disinfectant

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Sadie finds a map in the glove box  
and they decide to drop by a drugstore.

Gauze and tape

The cashier stares at their faces.

"Oh yeah," Jason shrugs.
"We tripped together."

He shows the man their linked hands.

"Oh honey, you're so silly!"
Sadie adds with a playful laugh.

They grab their stuff and go.

They pull up at a quiet road
And Jason takes a good look at Sadie.

"I'm sorry," he says, wiping the blood from her face.

Blood upon skin,
Cuts upon bruises.

"Jay, it's not your fault."
Sadie says softly.
"He hit you first, and he hit you hard."

She dabs at the blood on his cheek
Gently, carefully.

They tape pieces of gauze on each other's wounds
A clumsy patchwork on their skin.

"Where do we go now?" Jason asks.
Uncertainty trembled in his voice.

"I think a diner that serves pancakes would be nice. I'm very hungry." Sadie says with a playful smirk.
"And a motel afterward. I want a shower."

"Okay," Jason smiles,
His shoulders sink in quick relief.

He leans forward and kisses her on the head.

“I love you too.”

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