09: Love

17 4 3

A/N: Content warning in this chapter for violence

Drip, drip, drip
His blood falls to the floor
Rhythm cold like a clock.

Jason blinks and the world turns.
In the distance,
Someone screams.


It's Sadie.

Jason pushes himself up again.

In the kitchen, there's blood on the counter
Glass on the floor
And a girl.

Justin has his back turned.
Jason grabs the glass pitcher off the shelf
And brings it down on his head.


Justin King crumbles
Folds like a card table.

"Sadie, are you okay?"

Their eyes meet.

Something else.

"Kill him."

Jason brings up the glass pitcher.
Down, down.
Thunk, thunk.

Until there's blood.
Until Justin King doesn't look the same.

When he's done, exhausted and shaking,
Sadie comes up to him
Holds his head between her hands.

"Jay, I love you."

She kisses him.

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